A Collection of Short Stories: Real Estate Edition - Part 1

Unemployment Verification

I was helping a couple who were in the process of selling their house and buying a new one. Just two days before the scheduled closing on their new home, the lender needed to re-verify Mr. Buyer's employment. To their shock, the company reported that he was no longer employed there. Mr. Buyer, who worked on a one-week-on, one-week-off schedule, happened to be off during this particular week due to the impending closing and move.

Upon hearing about the discrepancy from the lender, he initially dismissed it as a mistake and assured them he would straighten it out. However, when he contacted his employer, the grim reality hit he had been let go. Given the challenging state of the oil & gas industry at that moment, this unfortunate turn of events wasn't entirely unusual.

Fortunately, the couple managed to proceed with the home purchase based solely on Mrs. Buyer's credit and income. Despite this unexpected hiccup, they successfully secured their new home. This incident marks the one and only time in my 20-year career that a buyer found out about their job loss through an employment verification from a mortgage company.

No Stove for YOU!

Once I was handling the sale of a home where much-needed repairs were essential, and the seller couldn't manage them. Consequently, we decided to sell the property "as is." The seller was in a hurry to get it sold and move on. In Texas, all appliances convey except for the refrigerator and the washer & dryer.

During the appraisal, it was discovered that the stove was missing, even though the seller had already moved out. This unexpected turn of events jeopardized the closing, and we were on a tight timeline. Mr. Buyer, anticipating an upcoming layoff, had to close within a specific timeframe to maintain qualification.

To overcome this hurdle, I had to promptly order a stove and arrange for rush delivery. The appraiser revisited the property to verify the addition of the stove, allowing us to close on time. At the closing, the seller reimbursed me for the expedited stove, ensuring a successful and timely closing despite the unexpected appliance hiccup.

Breakdown in the Gameroom

So, I had these buyers, right? We'd go check out a bunch of houses together. Now, these folks had two wild little boys who were all about teasing and wrestling. One day, we're touring this two-story home, and the boys decide it's wrestling time in the game room upstairs. Long story short, the older one takes a leap onto the younger one, lands on his arm, and bam! Arm's broken. Yep, you heard it right broken!

This is just a sample of the stories I have from the past 20 years of real estate! The best part about these stories is the passion I have for helping my clients find their dream homes or simply take the next step in life along with my varied experiences over the years helps me weave my clients through anything they may encounter. I attempt to make it as smooth as possible, but even if we end up experiencing a little bit of turbulence we will get there…TOGETHER!

Check back often for more!

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