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About Me

When it comes to selling your house, most Realtors ® typically will present you with a detailed plan and formula that they follow for every property they list. While of course it is important to know what works on the marketing side of things, I believe it is just as important to tailor my approach to each individual, which is why I do things a little differently. I happen to think we both have our areas of expertise that are equally valuable: : Whereas I bring the real estate market knowledge to the table, I believe that YOU are the expert on the house you've been living in! By combining our knowledge and working together, we are able to tell a more effective story when it comes to marketing and ultimately selling your house. At the end of the day, this combined strategy leads to better offers for you!

In my experience, this collaborative knowledge approach has led to greater successes than any one individual could accomplish on their own. For 10 years, I served on the board of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals. As president-elect of the Houston chapter, we had the opportunity to host the annual statewide conference and I was the Chair for the event! The event was such a success that we earned the opportunity to host the national conference for all the chapter presidents the following year! I believe we had such a great event because we listened to the ideas from each chapter around the state about what would and would not workand then we made it happen! That is precisely how I approach my real estate transactions with you! Are you ready to team up to get the best outcome for you?
