Top Home Defects and Features That Turn Buyers Off

Outdated Kitchens

Kitchens are pivotal in home sales. According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost vs. Value report, minor kitchen remodels can recoup 72.2% of their costs upon resale. Small updates like painting cabinets or changing hardware can give your kitchen a fresh new look without a costly renovation.

Poor Maintenance

Neglecting maintenance can be seen as an indication of deeper, concealed issues. The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) points out that routine maintenance can prevent expensive repairs and even increase your home’s value by up to 1% per year.

Bad Odors

Offensive odors can instantly repel prospective buyers. A 2017 survey by found that 34% of potential buyers would be less likely to purchase a home if it smelled of pets. Simple solutions include deep cleaning, using air purifiers, or hiring professional odor removal services.

Poor Curb Appeal

The exterior of your home is the first impression it makes on potential buyers. The National Association of Realtors stated in 2018 that an excellent curb appeal could boost your home’s value by up to 7%. Affordable improvements can include painting the front door, adding plants, or maintaining the lawn and driveway.


Personal touches can make your home unique, but they can also deter potential buyers. A 2018 Zillow report indicated homes with neutral colors sold faster and for more money than homes with bold color choices. A simple, cost-effective repaint in neutral tones can make your property more attractive to buyers.

Structural Problems

Major structural issues can considerably reduce a home’s value. However, according to a 2019 Kiplinger report, many buyers use home inspection information more for negotiating repairs or a lower price, rather than abandoning the sale. Proactively addressing any structural problems can help you secure a better selling price.

Inefficient Energy Use

Energy-efficient features are a draw for modern buyers. A 2019 study from The Appraisal Journal suggested that energy-efficient homes could sell for up to 6% more. Small changes, like installing Energy Star appliances, LED lighting, or improving insulation, can enhance your home’s energy efficiency without a major renovation.

Selling a home can be challenging, but identifying and addressing these common “listing killers” can set you up for a smooth, profitable sale.  Contact Realtor, Michele Schumacher to get your home sold! 

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Post Category: Home Selling, Home Improvements & Repair, Home Marketing

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