Managing Your Budget

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Let's talk budgeting for a minute. It's one of the most important skills to have, but nobody seems to be talking about it and they definitely don't teach it in school.
I've found the best way for me to plan my monthly budget is make a spreadsheet listing my income and my monthly bills in the order of the due dates.
1. Calculate your income. If you get paid the same amount every week, 2 weeks, or month, this makes things a little easier.
2. List your monthly expenses. Like I said, I like to list mine in order that they're due so I can check them off once they're paid.
3. If you add all your bills and subtract this number from what you get paid, you'll see how much you have left (if anything ?).
4. Write your bills in a planner or on a calendar with how much is due so you don't miss the due dates. If you see that maybe you don't have much money left at the end of the budget, evaluate and see if there's something that can be cut down or cut out. (We cut cable and only use 2 streaming services. A few services are included in our monthly subscriptions.)
Do you have a tip (the kids call them hacks these days) that help you keep an eye on your budget?
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