
Brenda Chambers


1 recommendation(s)

First, I would like to state that Brenda is my significant other half. Brenda is definitely an extraordinary person. Experience: My Mother lived in Philadelphia, and at the age of 90 she really needed to move here with us to Florida. After she got settled, we needed to Sell her Home. Brenda was a Notary and also a realtor here in Florida. She got me in touch with an Escrow Attorney to handle the Arm's Length Transaction to a Family Member. She didn't receive a referral fee, nor did she charge me., however we were able to get this all completed without any hiccups and documents were sent to me to sign on behalf of my mom. What massive amount of time and patience that she took with my family in this process. She's really an unbelievably professional person. Thank you! You definitely will not find Customer Service like this. Love you, Nicky

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