How to recognize a good real estate agent?

If you are looking to buy a house or sell a property, it is essential to have an efficient and experienced real estate agent. Sometimes it can be difficult to find it, relying solely on online reviews or on testimonials. Consider the following tips, to get an accurate representation of potential real estate agents.  

1. Ask friends and family for recommendations  

The recommendations are a great way to reveal the quality of services offered by a real estate agent. Ask your friends and family who they recommend and why they recommend that particular agent. This will allow you to get detailed information, which you can use to decide if a specific real estate agent is right to help you reach your real estate goals.   Although many people say it is very easy to get a real estate license, it takes hard work and a lot of dedication to stay in the business. Agents that are successful have a long list of satisfied clients that they recommend to other clients. Talk to your friends, coworkers, neighbors, and family to ask for recommendations. Search the recommended agent profile on the Internet (for example, a Google name search) to learn more.    

2. Read online reviews and testimonials.  

The Internet is a great place to evaluate the quality of potential real estate agents. Many agents share customer testimonials on their website, while others share them on social media platforms. However, these testimonials most likely will not consist of negative comments. To ensure that you have a successful representation of a real estate agent, search online for reviews and testimonials sent by users. You must gather the pros and cons of the services offered based on unedited experiences.  

3. Find a real estate agent who knows the area  

Knowing the area is a very valuable tool. The more a real estate agent knows about an area, the better. Your agent must know in depth the area in which you are selling or buying, to ensure the achievement of your goals effectively and efficiently.  

4. Interview with various agents  

Once you have a list of potential real estate agents, conduct interviews to define the particularities of each. There are several techniques that real estate agents use to help clients sell or buy a home, just as there are different levels and areas of expertise.   These may include the number of years in the industry and the communication style. It is crucial to find a real estate agent that matches your personal goals and preferences to ensure a successful experience.  

5. Realistic prices and recommendations to sell  

No real estate agent should suggest that you advertise your home at the highest price without first considering some key points. When selling your home, get price lists of similar properties from at least three different agents. They can tell you how much similar homes have been sold within the area, how long they took to sell and other valuable information, and more calculated recommendations. Giving a very high price will make the sale much longer, or worse, buyers may not even consider it. The longer a house is in the market, the more people will think that there is something wrong with the house. Always choose a real estate agent that gives you realistic recommendations and a price list.  

6. Work experience and dedication  

Agents with years of experience will generally be better prepared to negotiate, give advice, resolve unforeseen events and prevent negative situations. It is also extremely important that your agent works full time so that real estate is his priority and to be soaked in all the market changes. Think about the following: if you had to have a heart operation, would you prefer to do it with a surgeon who does 5 or 6 operations a year and who has another job, or with a surgeon who does 40- 50 operations a year and who does it full time?   The important point is to understand that it is not simply beautiful words that tell you what you want to hear. A good agent will explain the situation as it really is and will guide you to achieve the best results for his client and not for his own benefit. A good agent cares about providing good customer service and creating a relationship that will last for many more years.  

6. Find a REAL ESTATE agent®   When you start your search, make the distinction between a real estate agent and a REAL ESTATE® (REALTORS®) agent. A real estate agent is someone who has taken classes and/or passed the license exam in your state. A REAL ESTATE agent is a member of the National Association of Real Estate Agents (NAR). The requirements to be a part of this prestigious professional organization, involve more than just having an active license in the industry. REAL ESTATE® agents follow a strict code of ethics. Once you have identified a real estate agent that you like, confirm that he/she is a REAL ESTATE agent® or simply search for his/her name on, in an area that he/she has worked in.

The success of your investment depends largely on the real estate agent you choose.  

Follow these tips to narrow your search for a real estate agent, which will help you navigate easily in the process of selling or buying your home.

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