Attention: First Time Home Buyers, How do you eat an Elephant?

Answer: One Bite at a Time!

Have you ever heard that expression?  Do you get it?  I'm sure you do!

Sometimes thinking about buying your first home can be well,

There are lots of questions, lots of answers and lots of options! 
Where to begin?!

This is where I come in, I am a Realtor.
(It does not cost you to hire me! So don't be shy I'm here to help!)

First step first, get approved for a loan.  Don't know who to call?  You can ask me of course, I can offer suggestions.  You may also want to ask friends and family if they know a reliable loan officer they would recommend. Feel free to call more then one and settle with the one for which you are most comfortable.

I understand it can be a bit scary applying for a loan to buy a house. 
It is one of the biggest purchase you may ever buy in your lifetime! 

But you need to find out how much house you can buy and
what payment amount you are comfortable paying.
Also in this day and age a seller will not even look
at a offer without a loan approval.

But don't sweat it, what's the worse that can happen?  Worst case scenario you find out you do not qualify to buy a home, NOW.  That does in no way mean  you will never be able to qualify.  If you get turned down for a loan find out why and then take the steps to fix what needs fixing.  It is very possible to do this and sometimes quicker then you think! 

.....Since there is so much to know and like I said one bit at a time, I will post more on this subject soon.  If you can't wait to hear more,
just give me a call!  I would love to sit down with you to
help you execute your plans for buying real estate!

Local: Pearland
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