The Top Tips to Declutter Your Home for a Fast Sale

Selling your home is an exciting journey, but before you open your doors to potential buyers, there's an important step you need to take: you need to declutter your home. That means tidying up and making your place look really nice.

You are about to learn some easy ways to declutter your home and make it neat and inviting for those who might want to buy it. By reading this, you will get a decluttering checklist that will tell you what to do.

Key Takeaways

  • Plan and gather supplies like boxes and labels.
  • Remove unnecessary items from tables and shelves when you declutter your home.
  • Consider removing excess furniture as an important part of the decluttering checklist.
  • Clear out unwanted clothes and photos.
  • Keep bedroom decor minimal for a spacious feel.
  • Dispose of broken items, use shelves and boxes.

Get Ready: Getting Ready to Declutter Your Home

Let's start by making a little plan for when you'll finish this job and what you want to do. Also, get some boxes, bags, and labels ready. These things will help you organize all your stuff. If you think this job is big, don't worry!

How to Make Each Room Better

Living Areas

You can start with the living room. Look around if there are things on tables and shelves that you don't really need.

If there's too much furniture, try to declutter your home by taking away a few pieces so the room feels more open. Hideaway video games and DVDs to make things look neat and clean.


Let's see what the decluttering checklist for bedrooms holds. Check your closet to know whether you have any attire that you don't need. Also, take down any personal photos from the walls.

Make your bedroom simple and peaceful by keeping decorations to a minimum. When you declutter your home, it can make bedrooms look bigger.


The kitchen is where we cook delicious food, so it has to be good. The decluttering checklist for your kitchen includes the following.

  • Check the pantry and fridge for old food and throw it away
  • Organize the cabinets and drawers.
  • Give your cooking area a good cleaning so it sparkles.

A clean and decluttered kitchen is more appealing to potential buyers.


Bathrooms should be shiny and clean. Here are some of the decluttering checklist items for your bathroom.

  • Put away things from the counters and showers that you don't need
  • Organize your bathroom stuff in the cabinets.
  • Place clean towels and maybe a small decoration to make it feel welcoming.

You can transform your bathroom into a relaxing oasis when you declutter your home.

Home Office/Study

If you have a study, let's make it look nice too. To do that, let's look at some of the items on the decluttering checklist.

  • Sort out your papers and keep your desk clean.
  • Convert it into a place to do your work and study.

When you declutter your home, it can create a productive and focused workspace.

Storage Areas (Basement, Attic, and Garage)

While taking care of all the rooms and major areas, we cannot forget about the important places that tend to become messy over time. To make sure you get it ready before the potential home buyers come in, here is what the decluttering checklist has in store.

  • Take a look and see what you can throw away, especially things that are broken.
  • Use shelves and boxes to organize things. This way, you can find things easily when you need them.

Decluttering your home storage areas can make the surroundings more pleasant.

What to Do with Special Things

Sometimes, it's tough, but you may need to decide what you have to keep. You can keep those things somewhere safe. For things you don't need anymore, you can sell them or give them away.

That leads to your house being less crowded and more spacious. Properly following the decluttering checklist will make your home look more spacious.

Make Your Home Look Nice and Simple

To make your home look great, use colors that are calm and not too bright. Also, make sure your furniture is arranged in a way that leaves space to walk around. You can add decor to make it look nice but don't put too much, or it might look messy.

When you declutter your home, it can give your home a clean and inviting appearance.

Keeping Your Home Nice While Selling

To ensure your property looks good:

1. Spend time to declutter your home every day.

2. When you get new things, try to get rid of old things so your home doesn't get too full.

3. Be ready just in case someone wants to see your home quickly.

Continuously decluttering your home during the selling process will ensure that your home will be in good condition during showings.

Additional Tips from the Decluttering Checklist

Tip no. 1

There is no need to declutter your home entirely in a single day. Plan the decluttering and break it down into one room at a time. This way, you'll avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Tip no. 2

Try the three-box method. Label three boxes as "Keep," "Donate/Sell," and "Trash." You now have to decide which item to put in what box. This can ensure you complete the process fast.

Tip no. 3

Focus on one category of items at a time. For example, you can open your closet to go through your clothes. This will tell you what fits, what you like, and what you don't need anymore. Next, move to a different category, like toys.

Tip no. 4

Don't forget that decluttering your home is more than disposing of or donating things. It's also about keeping the things that truly matter to you. Surround yourself with items that bring you joy and serve a purpose.

If something doesn't make you happy or you haven't used it in a long time, it might be time to say goodbye.

Tip no. 5

Remember that decluttering your home is an ongoing process. Even after you declutter your home before selling, try to keep things organized and avoid letting clutter build up again.

You'll find that having a clutter-free home not only makes selling easier but also makes your everyday life more enjoyable.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I encourage family members or roommates to participate in the decluttering process?

Communicate the benefits of decluttering, such as a cleaner and more organized home. Set specific goals and involve everyone in decision-making. Make decluttering a team effort and create a reward system to motivate participation.

2. How can I effectively incorporate minimalism into my home decor and lifestyle?

Minimalism involves simplifying your living space and lifestyle by focusing on what truly adds value and meaning. Start by decluttering your home, keeping only items that serve a purpose or bring joy. Embrace clean lines, neutral colors, and open spaces in your decor.

3. Are there any Feng Shui principles that can guide me in creating a harmonious and clutter-free living environment?

Feng Shui emphasizes balance and energy flow in your home. Remove clutter to allow for better chi energy circulation. Arrange furniture to encourage a harmonious flow of energy and use the Bagua map to enhance specific areas of your life.

Final Thoughts

With these easy tips and a little bit of effort, you'll have your home looking its best for potential buyers. When you declutter your home, it is the first step to give your home a fresh start, and it can make a big difference in how people see your space.

So, put on some music, grab your boxes, and let's start decluttering your way to a successful home sale!

You're now equipped with the tools to declutter your home and stand out for potential buyers. Get started with and hire a real estate pro to create a welcoming space that everyone will love!

Categories: Home Selling
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