Unveiling the Trend: House Hacking for Affordable Homeownership

Posted by Toni Killough

The concept of "house hacking" has gained significant traction, especially among Millennials and Gen Z, as a savvy strategy for achieving homeownership. CNBC recently reported on the rising popularity of this approach, where individuals rent out a part of their homes to generate extra income, making the dream of owning a home more financially attainable.

The Appeal Across Generations:

It's not exclusive to the younger generation; the appeal of house hacking extends across demographics. A substantial 51% of Gen Z and 55% of Millennial buyers find it a good idea. Impressively, 39% of recent homebuyers across all age groups consider it a "very" or "extremely" important tactic, emphasizing its broad relevance in today's real estate landscape.

Considerations Before You Dive In:

If you're contemplating house hacking as a means to make homeownership more feasible, here are crucial considerations to keep in mind:

1. Mortgage Qualification:

Don't rely on potential rent to qualify for a mortgage. Securing a mortgage requires financial stability independent of rental income. Plan to qualify and afford the mortgage without factoring in anticipated rent.

2. Secure a Tenant in Advance:

While lenders might not factor in potential rent, having a confirmed tenant and knowing their rental commitment can provide a solid foundation for your financial planning before purchasing a home.

3. Choose Tenants Wisely:

Exercise caution in selecting tenants. Whether you know them personally or not, thorough research is crucial. Request references, delve into their background, and ensure they align with your values for a harmonious living arrangement.

4. Document Everything:

Protect yourself legally by putting everything in writing. Craft a comprehensive lease outlining terms, usage restrictions, schedules, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Engage a lawyer to ensure legal protection within local landlord/tenant laws.

5. Check Local Regulations:

Before embarking on house hacking, investigate local rules and ordinances. HOA restrictions or zoning regulations might impact your ability to have tenants. Ensure compliance with all relevant local guidelines to avoid legal complications.


As house hacking emerges as a popular strategy for aspiring homeowners, it's crucial to approach it thoughtfully. By considering these key factors, you can navigate the path to affordable homeownership while minimizing potential challenges and maximizing the benefits of this innovative approach.

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