At-Home Family Night Activities

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With a big freeze coming up, these At-Home activities will come in handy. It can be  challenging to keep everyone entertained when we aren’t able to go out of the house except to  work in essential jobs, enjoy fresh air, and get groceries. Luckily, there are plenty of fun  activities that the entire family can do together at home. Here are a few to inspire your own  family to make lasting memories while spending quality time together at home.  

1. Movie Night—This is a simple activity that everyone will enjoy. Every time you have a  movie night, let a different family member pick their favorite. That way, everyone will  have a turn choosing something to watch in the coming weeks. Better yet, consider a  movie marathon over the weekend and allow each family member to choose one leg of  the marathon. Don’t forget to bring popcorn and treats. In fact, make it part of the activity  and make a delicious treat as a family to share during the movie.  

2. Homemade Pizza—Many families have a tradition of ordering pizza once a week (or  when no one feels like cooking). Do things a little different while you’re all at home  together and learn to make pizza at home. Choose one type that everyone enjoys, or let  everyone make a personal-sized pizza and add whatever toppings they’d like. Learning  to make pizza at home is also an excellent opportunity to teach your kids a new skill.  

3. Backyard Camping—Just because you can’t go out on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t  have a family outing in nature. Involve the whole family in setting up the tents and  sleeping bags in your yard. Have a campfire, sing songs, tell stories, and roast  marshmallows. Before bed, take some time to admire the stars. The best part is that  everyone can get ready for bed in the house, and it’ll be easy to make a delicious  breakfast when everyone wakes up in the morning.  

4. Dance Party—Make a playlist of your family members’ favorite songs. Gather together  in one room and dance to your new playlist. It’ll be a great way to laugh together and let  go of any stress you may be feeling at the moment. It’s also a great way to get moving  and get some exercise! 

5. Art Night—Bring out the crayons, pencils, watercolors, and paper. Come up with a  theme, such as summertime, animal friends, or family portraits. It’ll be fun to see what  everyone comes up with while allowing them to get creative.  During an uncertain time, it can be challenging to know how to keep your entire family  entertained. However, it’s the perfect opportunity to make memories and do things that you  don’t always have time to do together. Cherish these fleeting moments with your loved ones. 

Categories: General
Local: Oak Forest East Area
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