Do you use Info boxes with printed information on your listing signs? Does it attract more clients?

Status: Open
Jun 09, 2014 Views2,477 Answer a Question

Looking for ways to offer my Listing serves in my community and wondering if any one notices any difference in the use or non use of actual print info on site? Thank you in advance :)

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About 9 years ago
I agree with Stephen; when looking for a home, we really appreciated those agents who had flyers w/color photos and information in the boxes outside the house, that way we knew whether or not we wanted to make an appointment to view. Sure, the internet is a fast growing resource, but many people still find places just by driving through. I have a background in marketing, so I'll also add not to spend a ton of money on printing a ton of flyers, spend more attention to the quality of the material- great photos, clean layout, legible font, vital information, and no typos. :)
About 9 years ago
Yes, I do use info boxes with full color brochures for my listings. It serves two purposes--first to give a good deal of information and pictures to drive by lookers and it's a great way to market yourself to curious neighbors. I'd advise that you enlist the help of the homeowner or neighbor to keep the box stocked and also to change out flyers when they get wet.
A message on top of the door to please close the lid is a good reminder to people in a hurry. Stay away from black and white and go for color. People don't see in black in white!
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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