What do you think about the New Home Specialist Certification?

Status: Open
Mar 15, 2014 Views1,508 Answer a Question

About 10 years ago
In our market right now with low inventory I think this can be a valuable designation. In addition to gaining the confidence of buyers, it's also a designation that will emphasize how much a REALTOR is needed even on a new home purchase. The technology going into new homes changes almost daily and anything that shows our buyers we're knowledgeable about trends and technologies can do nothing but improve our business and professionalism.
About 10 years ago
I'm very interested in taking the class and getting the certification. purchased a new build home personally, I know from experience that there are things different from purchasing an existing home to know. Issues working with a builder, stages and inspections of an under construction house, and the design selection process are just a few examples. I'll take the class so I can better educate my buyers on the process.
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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