Is it legal to refuse to sell a home to a sex offender?

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Oct 26, 2012 Views16,176 Answer a Question

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About 11 years ago
No...You can refuse to sell or rent to anyone as long as it's not based on one of the protected classes of The Fair Housing Act. Sex Offenders are definately not a protected class.
About 11 years ago
You need to be very careful on this issue. I would consult a lawyer
About 11 years ago
No, as sex offenders are not a protected class under the Fair Housing Laws.
About 11 years ago
Sex offenders are not a protected class under the Fair Housing Act. With that said, it's my understanding that you can refuse to sell a home to a sex offender. Be aware that if you have a signed contract to sell a home already, you won't be able to get out of it just because you feel uncomfortable. Due diligence is key. Check with an attorney for assurance.
About 11 years ago
Good question; the Fair Housing Act (Title 8) in an overview statement states that a community with children can legally refuse to sell/rent to a registered sex offender. Here is an excerpt: "Overview: The ordinances found in this Act, does not provide an opportunity for discrimination, but it does provide for discretion. There are provisions and exemptions that may seem discriminatory to some, but they exist to protect (both) the consumer and the property owner. The Act exists, more perspicuously, to protect the freedoms and statutes already dictated in the US Constitution. Throughout the document, you will find this same list of words: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or familial status. (Note: the words 'sexual' or 'orientation', or other similar terms that define a persons sexual preferences, are not mentioned in the Fair Housing Act; to sanction discretionary logistics. I.E.: Under the provisions, a community with children can legally refuse to rent/sell to a registered sex offender). With this said, the logic is this; that every human deserves the equal opportunity to rent a place to live (or work), and to purchase real estate, no matter their status based on race/color, religion, national origin, sex/gender, handicap or familial status."
About 11 years ago
As an agent and independent contractor, you can refuse to work with anyone as long as you are not in violation of the fair housing act. For example, I have a policy that I will not work with rude and inconsiderate people... and that is my right. I may also have a policy that I will not sell homes to convicted felons... that is also my right. I hope that helps.
About 11 years ago
You should ask an attorney, but it is my understanding that sex offenders are not protected under the fair housing act.
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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