does a tenant that is a realtor get 50% of rent commission if they sign a lease contract

Status: Open
Dec 26, 2021 Views3,560 Answer a Question

About 3 months ago
Yes, If you are realtor. But you need to disclose this on the agreement.
About 10 months ago
Nick! If a licensed agent openly represents themselves in a lease transaction and the advertised commission is 50, then, yes, that agent would be due their commission for representation of themselves. Let me know if you have any further questions or need any other assistance! 346-412-6603
About 2 years ago
Commission are determined at the time when the lease listing agreement is signed and can vary depending on the agreement. Some companies offer higher percentages and bonuses. The brokerage is paid the commission and then the REALTOR is paid. This is base on the brokerage/broker and REALTOR’s work agreement contract. The brokerage pays the REALTOR. REALTORS are not paid directly. I hope this helps.
About 2 years ago
If you are the client representing yourself you keep the commission
About 2 years ago
Yes the commission comes through the broker.
About 2 years ago
Yes they can get commission through the broker
About 2 years ago
The Broker will collect any compensation offered through MLS for bringing the tenant to the transaction. If the tenant also happens to be a licensee sponsored by the broker that fact does not alter the offer of compensation cited in the MLS. The licensee/tenant will be paid according to their IC Agreement they have with the Broker.
About 2 years ago
In general they are entitled to the regular commissions whatever is stated on the MLS. However, they will need to discuss this with their broker, as the commissions go through them. What I would do is work out a deal where you receive a credit on the lease or something vs the money.
About 2 years ago
If you are realtor yes
About 2 years ago
Yes, if the agent is representing herself and agent is with a broker. The broker get the 50% commission check and broker will then pay her split commission. Hope this helps
About 2 years ago
Two things important - when you have disclose on lease agreement that Tenant is Realtor. And listing agent sent to the check to your Brokers. your broker sent you
check after all compliances and after Brokerage fee your part get paid by your Company.
About 2 years ago
Yes, if they are a Texas Realtor and with a broker and if it’s stated in the mls 50% commission. I hope this helps.
About 2 years ago
It will depend on the terms stated in the agreement with the landlord.
About 2 years ago
If the tenant is the buyer agent, yes. The buyer agent/tenant would collect their commission the same way they normally do. It’s also important to mention, you should check what is listed in matrix by the listing agent as the buyer agent commission. It’s not required to be 50%. It could be more or less. Like almost all of real estate, it’s negotiable.
About 2 years ago
Only a broker is allowed to accept commissions on the sale or lease of real estate. If commission would be paid to the broker and distributed according to the signed agreement (Independent contractors Agreement ) they have in place.
Additionally, the agent must disclose they have a license in the lease, or contract as early as possible.
Rule 535.144(b)
About 2 years ago
In most cases a residential lease commission is 50% of the monthly rate. To confirm the requirements for commission it’s best to check the listing details and any instructions the Agent may have attached. It’s important to have a signed Buyer/Tenant agreement in place with your client, however, most landlords/property managers also require the Realtors name on the residential lease application. Since the Tenant is also a Realtor I would confirm commission with the listing Agent.
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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