Whats the best type of floor to put in a garage.

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Jan 27, 2021 Views636 Answer a Question

I know there are lots of different options like rubber, epoxy and vinyl floors. Which one is the best?

About 2 years ago
Definitely epoxy.
About 3 years ago
I would go with epoxy. One of the most important parts is making sure you prep the surface properly. If there is any dust or dirt then it will peel in those areas. If doing it yourself, don’t go with the cheap stuff. Might be a good idea to get a quote from a company too. Good luck!
About 3 years ago
To each his own. My personal opinion is epoxy. I will say that when I show a home with an epoxy garage, my buyers almost always love that feature.
About 3 years ago
Hi Jared! Perhaps the better question is, what is the best garage floor for your needs? Is it for your personal home? An investment property? Best for resale value? Best price? Do you park your sports car in there or do you repair motorcycles for fun? Do you want a man-cave or just a place to store your Christmas decorations? Are you hiring a contractor to install/paint/seal the floor or are you doing it yourself? Here is a link to some ideas that include the cost per sq ft (if you are going to do the work yourself). The price will be higher if you are hiring someone to do it. All that said, I would say the best in terms of easiest to do and cheapest is probably painting the floor. You can do it yourself in a few hours for the cost of a few gallons of paint. There are paints made especially for garage floors, so they are durable, and they come in a variety of colors, styles, and finishes. Hope this helps!
About 3 years ago
Hi Jared, are you basically starting new, with the no existing garage floor? or repairing it ( cracks, replacement )

Epoxy does look amazing and will probably be nice plus if you're trying t sell the home. All depends on the time and money you plan to spend on the project
About 3 years ago
I'm not sure there is a "best" flooring for a garage. It depends on your needs and expectations. Here is a link to some of the options that are good, but then it depends on your needs and what you use your garage for. When you narrow your choices for flooring, then, Google the pros and cons for each choice, and read the reviews, to make sure you know what the long term maintenance and wear and tear are. Hope this helps get you pointed in the right direction. https://www.bobvila.com/slideshow/8-easy-and-affordable-garage-floor-options-46893
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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