Ca I get a potential client out of a lease?

Status: Open
Nov 07, 2018 Views1,230 Answer a Question

I have a customer that just got back from Duty and She decided to rent, the place she is renting is not very saved she has been broken into a couple of times, can she get out of the lease to buy a house without ruining her credit?

About 5 years ago
Your client has to talk to the landlord to agree on releasing her from the lease contract, if she has police reports on her breakings it is now a safety concern and she could be released, she may have to pay a penalty.
If she breaks her lease it will affect her credit and will decrease her posibilities to purchase a home.
About 5 years ago
The straight forward answer is you cannot do anything to get a potential client out of a lease. Realtors are not allowed to practice law, and any decisions regarding breaking a lease (a legal document) would be out of your realm of expertise. Depending on the lease agreement, and the tenants relationship with the landlord, they may be able to have a discussion and come to an agreement for a remedy. You might pose the hypothetical question to a lender, to see if a negative impact of a broken lease would effect their approval. That said, I have had clients buy a home while still in a lease who came to agreement with their landlords to end the terms of their lease early or pay a penalty out of pocket. This was done between the tenant and the landlord and I had no part in the discussions. Below is a link for Renters Rights from the Attorney General's office which may be helpful and point to specific areas of the property code.
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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