How do I contact the real estate agent? He doesnt answered my phone calls

Status: Open
Nov 07, 2017 Views20,997 Answer a Question

I'm interested in buying a lot

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Home Selling
About 6 years ago
In this situation - its about the buyer needing information on a seller listed property. Listing agent
not calling or texting back (maybe because property already sold) - regardless I personally would reach out to the agents
broker being the brokers in Texas own all the listings. AND if the property not under contract - the listing agent is
not handling their fiduciary duty to the seller. If the agent is also the broker, Call HAR- they are the local realty board governing the listing
and sales of properties listed on MLS. Sorry that the agent has no clue to the first rule in listing or selling with clients involved - fiduciary.
A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties. In realty it can be both a legal and ethical fail.
Once others informed of this lack of communication/information share, I bet the agent will do better or not and then most
likely out of the business sooner then later.. Good luck! Chip Byas, Realtor, Certified Negotiator, Social Media Pro, Pet Lover
20+ years as top selling listing agent with 100% referral/multiple repeat only business/clients for 15+ plus years. People will \nreturn to work done...
About 6 years ago
If you have signed buyer's representation agreement with a realtor and they do not respond after trying few times, you can reach out to their brokerage and ask them for termination of the buyer's rep agreement. If no agreement signed, find another realtor.
About 6 years ago
Unless the realtor has an emergency or out of reach, it is understandable if he doesn't respond to a call. But if he/she is ignoring the call this basically conveys the message that you are not important and has other priorities.

I would reach out four different ways email, txt and a voicemail to the realtor directly and the fourth way is to reach out to his broker to find out if the realtor has any emergencies.

Lastly if you decide to move to a different realtor, reach out to TREC to unassign yourself from this realtor in case you have signed any buyer or seller agreement.

Interview the next realtor and ensure that he will match your needs.

Good luck!

About 6 years ago
I agree, to begin with I would definitely advise you to have a real estate agent represent you. It's easy to contact the listing agent through his brokerage, but I would definitely recommend you doing that through your realtor, as even if you were able to reach out to the listing agent, he would not be representing your best interest as his fiduciary duties would be towards his client.
Hope this helps.

Shikha Honawar
713 550 2550
Keller Williams Metropolitan

About 6 years ago
Hi, I'm Diana, If you have an existing relationship with the REALTOR you're trying to reach, and you have left several phone messages, text messages and send emails to no avail, you may try contacting the agent's office directly and ask to speak with the broker. Since the listing technically belong to the broker, the broker maybe able to assign another REALTOR to work with you.

If you do not have an existing relationship with the REALTOR in question, and you would like to view and or purchase the listed property, you can contact another REALTOR from the same brokerage office or any other license agent that is knowledgeable about the property you are interested in, to not only show you the property, but represent you in the transaction. Hope this help.
Diana Walton Licensed Real Estate Advisor \nMobile: 281.923.1118 281.715.0064\n
About 6 years ago
I would agree with other answers. If you are purchasing, finding a Realtor that can represent you fully will be in your best interest. They will be able to get the answers you are looking for and most importantly will work for you and your best interest. If you call the listing agent, they work for thee seller. They can represent you, however they will be restricted in their abilities for both you and the seller. When an Agent represents the seller, their job is to share their expertise and negotiate the best deal for the seller. When an agent represents the buyer, their primary job is the same but negotiate the best deal for them. Due to a conflict of interest, an intermediary agent representing both buyer and seller will not be able to negotiate for either party. It is impossible to get the most for a seller and the least for the buyer at the same time. Take a look at the IABS in the sources for more details regarding agent responsibilities and feel free to reach out if your are interested.
Ryan Kohn
About 6 years ago
Hi Norma:

Unfortunately, the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. It doesn't seem this Realtor is going to be consistent. You may want to look for another Realtor who can represent your interests. Please remember that it is the seller who pays commission. Representation for the buyer does not cost the buyer any commission.
Mercedes Clarke
About 6 years ago
Means of communication other than phones can include texting, email, etc. If you can't contact your agent, I would try leaving a voicemail. Give it a day to see how they respond. If it is consistently that they are not answering your calls or messages, after the established form of communication have been set, I would go with a different realtor. Because that agent isn't doing you much justice. I understand that sometimes agent will get busy, but honestly I don't think it's that much of an effort to return a text or an email at the very least if you are unavailable.

Thien Thu Nguyen, Realtor
Kimberly Adams Realty
About 6 years ago
It can be very frustrating when your estate agent doesn't answer your phone calls in a timely manner. Usually, if you can't get an agent to respond, I would call his/her Broker. The broker should do the corrective actions.

Not all agents are the same. Most do return calls. There might be a special situation with this agent.

After contacting the broker and still the situation is not corrected, please find another responsive agent that do return calls! Good luck!

Ryan Modi
Pattern Realty
Ph: (281) 236-4040
About 6 years ago
If you currently have a working relationship with the agent, I would try texting, emailing or calling his office directly. There might be extenuating circumstances as to why he is not taking your call.

If you are reaching out to him because he has a listing you are interested in, I agree to connect with a Realtor who can represent you and can make the calls and connections on your behalf. You can use HAR's app to locate an agent that works in the area you are interested in. Best of luck
About 6 years ago
Hi Norma,
I would encourage you to contact another REALTOR to handle your side of the contract. Though it may seem easier to contact the listing agent directly it is in your best interest to have some represent you in the transaction. I hope this is helpful!

Dori Lacamu
Keller Williams Metropolitan
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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