How can I rent my home

Status: Open
Sep 01, 2017 Views1,049 Answer a Question

About 3 years ago
Save your money and use a realtor. I know so many people that thought they would save by trying on their own. Shame shame. If it takes longer than 30 days to get them in, you lost money.
About 6 years ago
Have you tried AirBnB?
About 6 years ago
Dear Imran,

You can contact with a Real Estate Agent and he/she can post it in Multiple Listing Service. As mentioned: Realtor can provide you the market analysis that will help you decide on the listing price, and can market your house in different ways; and will make sure your tenant selection criteria is met within staying Fair Housing Laws. No need to mention: All the addendums, lease contracts, application forms etc to e handled by the Realtor during this process. You have further questions please do not hesitate to call me/txt me or email me.

Thanks and Regards,

Cagdas Acar
Msc PSA Realtor@
Email: acarster@gmail,com
Mobile: 8322831091
About 6 years ago
If you are not licensed real estate agent, contact one in your area as they can help you with marketing and rent it faster. If you are a realtor, contact your brokerage to help you with listing. You can reach me at 832-56-0691 if any specific questions.

Purvi Shah
Realm Real Estate Professionals
About 6 years ago
There are several ways to rent your home. You can first contact an agent through to schedule a meeting so that they can perform a market analysis. Then you can decide if you want it advertised on and other websites or if you would prefer them to list it off the market. It's sole up to you.
About 6 years ago
In order to provide you with best answer a few additional pieces of information is needed. Are you currently working with a realtor? Obtaining the services of a qualified real estate professional is the first step. The realtor can provide you with all the answers that you will need. I would welcome the opportunity to work with and answer questions for you to make a informed decision. I am willing to offer a 15 min consultation call to answe a few general questions for you. Pamela Banks at Strongtower Realty and mgmt. 832 423 8303. Or feel free to email me. We can set a time to video conference at you convenience. If you are going through changes from the flood my prayers are with you
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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