Can you change square footage on listing?

Status: Open
Jul 03, 2017 Views4,623 Answer a Question

Just found original floorplan of our home with square footage listed as almost 300 more sf than what is in tax records. Currently, home is listed for sale with the square footage per apprasial district, can we change it to the correct sf per builder?

Asked by
About 2 years ago
Yes this can be changed in MLS by the agent and with disclosure of where the source of information came from.
About 3 years ago
I thought it was not possible to do that. I already consult it.
About 4 years ago
Whatever the size of the home, make sure you have the correct size air conditioner installed.
About 4 years ago
This is such a good question. I'm impressed by the manner in which the various members of this platform have provided helpful answers. It is such a nice thing to be one of the members of this platform.
About 6 years ago
Yes...most of the agents use square footage entered appraisal district records...if you have floorplan from builder, agent can change it and specify the source...
About 6 years ago
Dear Jodjax,

Yes It can be changed as mentioned, by the Listing agent or his supervisor. We realtors need to make sure we are posting the correct information on the Multiple Listing Service. While doing that if we have not done by ourselves we refer the source we get the info. Appraisal district is a main source we use in listing. If there is a mistake on the square footage a licensed professional should remeasure it and the records to be updated. This change need to be disclosed as it will change the property tax with the updates.

Cagdas Acar
Mobile: 832-283-1091
About 6 years ago
Yes. Realtors are posting information on the MLS from 3rd parties when it comes to items like square footage. Most homes on are showing the square footage posted on the county tax rolls for each home. However, if you have something such as an appraisal or builder drawings showing a different square footage measurement, you can use that. You need to indicate where this new square footage amount came from. When in doubt on the size of your home, you can hire an appraiser for a small fee to come out and measure the square footage of your home.

Mark McNitt
Bernstein Realty
About 6 years ago
Yes, your listing agent or broker can. Give them the information and they can update the listing putting it per seller's information.

Michael Jobin
C&K Properties
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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