Can I find a single family home to rent in Houston with poor credit and high income?

Status: Open
Mar 10, 2024 Views336 Answer a Question

I’m a veteran and full time employed, stable government job since 2021, income has reached 9k/month this year credit score 580. I’m currently working on my credit as it was much lower during the pandemic. I have an eviction from 2018 and good rental history since then. I am willing to pay an additional deposit of 2-3 times the rent or use a lease guarantor service like leap easy or insurer…but how do I find land lords that are willing to work with me?

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Relocation & Newcomer
About 1 month ago
Striving to enhance your credit is always advisable. However, it's worth noting that even with a lower credit score, securing a desirable living space is feasible with a higher income. Some landlords may request a double deposit, encompassing the first and last month's rent, alongside the standard monthly rent. Essentially, this means you'll be paying three times the monthly rent upfront. Approval from the owner and verification by the real estate agent are necessary for this arrangement. As the adage goes, "money talks," emphasizing the significance of financial credibility in such transactions.
About 2 months ago
Hey Martin, Given your stable employment history, increasing income, and willingness to provide additional security measures such as a larger deposit or lease guarantor service, some landlords may be willing to work with you despite your lower credit score and past eviction.Here are some steps you can take to find landlords who are more flexible in their rental criteria:1. Utilize Rental Listing Websites: Search for rental listings on websites like Zillow,,, or Craigslist. Some of these platforms allow you to filter listings based on your preferences, including those that may consider applicants with credit challenges or past evictions.2. Work with a Realtor: Enlist the help of a real estate agent or rental agent who specializes in working with tenants with unique circumstances. They may have access to rental listings that are not widely advertised and can advocate on your behalf when communicating with landlords. Me personally, I'm in a network ground with landlords in the Houston area and would be more than happy to help. Network with Property Managers: In my opinion, Facebook groups are key for this if you want help, fast.
About 2 months ago
Its possible to find a lease home under your circumstances. Most of the time, I find that being honest upfront is the best practice. I really good at negotiating terms that work in favor of not only the landlord, but the tenant as well
About 2 months ago
Greetings Martin! I specialize in leases and I come across this issue quite often. It is doable; you just have to find a landlord who is willing to give you a chance. From my personal experience, paying 2x the deposit or even a few months upfront will get the landlord to approve your application. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions. I would love to help you out with your next rental
About 2 months ago
Hi Martin - Yes, finding a landlord willing to work with you is definitely possible. Your strong income and stable job, coupled with your readiness to mitigate the landlord's risk through additional deposits or a guarantor service, are significant positives. Heads up - look for small landlords: Individual landlords, as opposed to large management companies, might be more flexible and willing to consider your entire financial picture rather than just your credit score. Feel free to connect with me for more help.
About 2 months ago
Since your eviction has been over 5 years, you're a veteran and currently showing excellent rental history you will be able to rent or purchase. You may need a letter of explanation on why life happened. Also, I have credit consultants that can update your credit profile to remove and raise your score. The double deposit would be the last alternative. Lets' keep up the good work.
About 2 months ago
This is not easy, but with persistence it can be done. First you need a good, experienced Realtor who WANTS to do the work. I suggest a letter stating how your credit history occurred. An eviction needs detailed information and may need to be addressed by going back and negotiating with the landlord to settle the bill. It is the hardest thing to overcome. I would show how my income is paying down my debt. I would show i was attending credit counseling. There are several out there including Dave Ramsey who helps people stay debt free. Eviction in Texas is a major hit. When you draft your letter be truthful. Present your letter to the Realtor. Realtors know ways to make you acceptable to landlords including more rent upfront, etc. With the high income build your savings cushion. This will show your becoming financially secure. Do not buy, borrow, use credit cards during the lease search.
About 2 months ago
Martin! Congratulations on getting back on track; sounds like you're well on your way! Employing a realtor who is well versed in these types of scenarios is going to be your first and strongest strategy here! It sounds like you've are at least somewhat aware of some of the things you may need to do in order to ease a potential landlord's mind, so that's a solid start! Recommendation letters from landlords since the eviction may also be a good idea! Prayers that you find something quickly, no doubt that you WILL indeed find something!
About 2 months ago
Yes, you can, but it might be a little hard and you will have to put more money for deposit.
About 2 months ago
Yes, I had a client last time and he had the same situation, however, I was able to help him rent it out with an extra security deposit. Before the landlord asks for a background check fee. I first explain the situation to the listing agent and let them decide whether they will accept my client in that current situation, if they accept them then we proceed with an application fee. Long-term lease & extra deposit are the keys in that situation. Furthermore, your bank beginning & ending balance as well. If you have enough in your bank that should be enough as well. We were able to rent at one point through the bank balance which was stable for a few months. And the landlord accepted him. Allow me to help you find a reasonable one that meets your standards.
About 2 months ago
Good morning Martin. I know exactly how to get you approved. Id be happy to help you. Kindest, Joe
About 2 months ago
Yes. I've helped many clients with a similar situation. I first help identify the properties my client wants. Then I focus on presenting the plus points of my client and present solutions for the non optimum situations and find out what would make the landlord accept my client's application.
About 2 months ago
The answer is YES, you can certainly find a HOME with low or bad credit but please make sure you work with a REaltor so he/she can help you negotiate and find the right landlord. It will not be quick and easy but it can be done for sure as long as the landlord is provided with 'enough' to make them want to rent to you. It is possible! Good luck ;)
About 2 months ago
The short answer is yes, it can be done and only requires 2 steps in my opinion. #1) You must do your part, i.e. you must be willing and able to put down a double deposit if need be. (You stated you have this one covered) and/or pay multiple months upfront. #2) Work with a realtor who understands your specific needs and is willing to advocate for you in the home leasing journey. I have a property you may be interested in right now near the Galleria area.Give me a call today P: 281.830.6378 E:
About 2 months ago
Good evening and yes you can find something.
About 2 months ago
Of course you can. Some landlords will say no but most will say maybe on deposit amount Its all risk management to landlord
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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