The client was upset with the photos and requested them to be retaken. Is it a sound strategy (if even allowed) to take the live listing down, then re-list with the new photos?

Status: Closed
Aug 24, 2023 Views3,735 Answer a Question

Some key things to know: I've used the same photographer for all of my listings so far (I am 9-months into the business). It is priced at a fair market value and I have done all of the necessary marketing to get eyes on it. There have been NO showing requests so it was concluded it had to do with the photos. Thanks for any insight.

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Realtor Only
About 9 months ago
Remove the offensive pictures, leave the listing live, and then post the new images ASAP.
About 9 months ago
Typically when there are no showings (or activity) the price is too high. You might want to review the activity and the market before anything! That being said you can "withdraw" the home off the MLS and reload new photos then return the status to active. I would ensure the home is ready for photos and suggest stagging if that might help a home that is a bit tired. Mark McNitt,, Bernstein Realty, 832-567-4357
About 9 months ago
You should be paying your photographers enough for insurance purposes. If you're just taking them from your phone then that's not a business.
About 9 months ago
You can have 6 photos on your online listing and take the rest of them down till you get the new photos. Seller can pick which of them can stay till the new photos come in. Sometimes, it is good to ask a few agents in your office to take a look at your Listing (price, conditions, marketing strategies, etc.) and present it to your Seller. You can also call other active listings in the area to see if they have any showings. You can organize a neighborhood open house to have people come through and get a feedback for the Seller. You can ask other Realtors to do agent preview and give you feedback including how listing presented online vs in person. When I first started I focused a lot on perfect presentation which is a must to be a good agent. It is only one component in a very complex process. Most likely it is not the photos why you are not getting showings. Best of luck!
About 9 months ago
No. I would not.
About 9 months ago
You can add, remove or rearrange listing photos under manage photos on the bottom tab of the listing. You wouldnt need to completely remove the listing.
#1 Awarded – Best Answer
About 9 months ago
Thank you for sharing your concern regarding the listing photos. From my perspective, while photographs play a significant role in attracting potential buyers, it's essential to consider the broader picture. Before making a decision, I'd recommend discussing the photos with the seller. Given that you've been using the same trusted photographer for all your listings, it's reasonable to expect the photographer to stand behind their work. If there's a genuine quality issue with the photographs, a reputable professional should be willing to address it without incurring additional costs.Taking down a live listing and then re-listing it can be a strategic move, but there are several factors to weigh. On one hand, relisting with new photos can provide a fresh start and perhaps gain more traction. However, there are potential downsides like potentially losing the listing's age and accumulated engagement.Further, while the lack of showing requests might suggest issues with the photos, it's crucial to also consider other variables like the property's price and broader market conditions. I propose implementing a two-week review process after listing a property. This review can provide a comprehensive look at how the market is responding and whether any adjustments (beyond just photographs) are necessary.In essence, the real estate market is ever-evolving, and staying proactive and adaptable is key. This not only demonstrates to sellers that you're fully invested in achieving their goals but also ensures that you're equipped to navigate any challenges that arise.
About 9 months ago
Hello Harrison, you should review with the client which photos they don't like and why and perhaps involve the photographer in the discussion and I'm sure they'll reshoot it if the client isn't happy and may have valid points. Photos can play a big part but perhaps there are other factors why no showings. Sellers also have to understand the shift in the market. Use your comps (Days on Market to justify if no showings yet, offer an agent bonus, rearrange your photos etc, there's a lot you can do including advertising the property online). If you're looking for a really great photographer
About 9 months ago
You can certainly change or rearrange photos during a listing, but before you pay another photographer, I'd suggest you have the seller show you photos they do like so you can go after the same look. Most likely, you may need to drop the price of the home to hit the sweet spot with multiple showings and a price point that attracts buyers in this high-interest, high property tax market.
About 9 months ago
Interested to know what path you chose...
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