If a buyer has viewed the Deed Restrictions, does he need to request delivery of subdivision information?

Status: Open
Feb 08, 2017 Views1,151 Answer a Question

About 7 years ago
Your buyer has done their homework in the subdivision of interest if they have already read the deed restrictions. Therefore, if your buyer is purchasing a home in a deed restricted community, paragraph 2 in section E under title notices indicates under section section 207.003 property code, that an owner (current/new)entitles them to receive a copy.
https://apps.texasrealestate.com/modules/legal/blankForms/view_document.cfm?filename=1601.pdf\nOne to Four Family Residential Contract
About 7 years ago
This is generally the way all HOA now share their restrictions. However as they meet in January, I would call to see that the restrictions are up to date.,
About 7 years ago
Up to the Buyer. There is more to the "Subdivision Information". It is listed at the top of the HOA Addendum to contract. The other items are typically the resale certificate that covers the financial health of a community, insurance, dues and any special assessments. If he wants that information, you can request the Seller provide it or the Buyer can obtain themselves. All negotiated with everything else. For the Realtors liability, I would recommend getting this information to the Buyers one way or another.
About 7 years ago
In the amendment for property owner association, there is a place to select if buyer elects to receives the subdivision information.
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