Looking for subdivisions south and west of town with the lowest overall taxes?

Status: Open
Jan 19, 2017 Views2,416 Answer a Question

About 7 years ago
Dear Dwight,

Stafford is probably the best place for lowest taxes in the greater houston area.
They do not have city taxes at all!

Call me for a no obligation consultation.

Dominik Szabo
(832) 844 1724
** The Doctor of Real Estate in Houston Texas **
" Professional, Courteous, and Informed "
About 7 years ago
Hi Dwight,
What is your budget? A higher % may be ok if you are looking at lower values. For example townhouses tend to have a bit of a lower tax because the land lot is smaller. Are you looking for a townhouse, condo or single family house?
As a rule of thumb, property tax rate are lower south of westheimmer and the westpark.
Feel free to contact me privately for a more specific search and answer.
francois@cozy-homes.com / 713 397 8857
About 7 years ago
Hi Dwight,

There is an option to "Add Fields" in Fusion when you are setting up search criteria for a client. If you type "Total Tax Rate" in the box, you can "Add Field" and it will show up at the bottom of the search friends. You can then go in and put in a range. Usually anything in the 2.0s range is pretty low. Then, you can set up your search as normal. You can either input zip codes in the south and west parts of town you are interested in or even map the general area and then check out the neighborhoods that come up. As a rule of thumb, usually new construction neighborhoods have a higher tax rate than established neighborhoods. Just keep in mind that the value of the property obviously makes a difference on the total property tax. For example, a property valued at $500,000 at a 2.0 tax rate vs. a property valued at $300K at a 3.4 tax rate have approximately the same amount of property tax owed although one is worth significantly more in value. People always talk about "those high property taxes" in The Woodlands. However, we actually have a pretty low tax rate, especially considering The Township tax (vs. HOA) is included! We just have high property values, making property taxes obviously more. It's a good thing when your property is worth more, you just may pay a little more in taxes for it. :)

Hope this helps!

Darby Grimmett / KW / darby@darbygrimmett.com / 936-827-9217
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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