Does magnetic signs generate leads?

Status: Open
Dec 16, 2016 Views963 Answer a Question

If I purchase a magnetic sign to advertise my real estate business will it generate leads?

About 7 years ago
People have mixed feelings about magnetic signs,
Some people like them, definately it makes people more comfortable with your brand.

Dominik Szabo
Brockway Realty L.L.C.
(832) 844 1724
** The Doctor of Real Estate in Houston Texas **
" Professional, Courteous, and Informed "
About 7 years ago
It is fairly inexpensive to do, hence will likely bring a good return on investment event if you don't get that many calls.
About 7 years ago
It is hard to quantify how many leads come from magnetic signs on a vehicle, but it is always good to keep in your name in the public eye. Being remembered as a professional in the business leads to those calls coming in. So they help! As long as one is always well-behaved in their driving...I heard a story once from a Realtor in The Woodlands who is quite well known there. Her son borrowed her car and was driving too fast - someone called her number on the magnetic sign to complain about the way her car was being driven. So be careful who drives your car! lol
About 7 years ago
I think that any way you can get your name out there most likely works...I have always used some sort of advertisement on my auto etc. We do get calls from them and they are fairly inexpensive...
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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