Which is the best Neighborhood in The Woodlands

Status: Closed
Feb 04, 2016 Views2,755 Answer a Question

#1 Awarded – Best Answer
About 8 years ago
Thamer, there are a multitude of possible 'best' neighborhoods in The Woodlands, however this is a question with far too many variables to have one correct answer or even opinion. What makes a neighborhood the best in your mind? Safety, type of homes, size of home, size of lot, location, amenities, etc.? And at what price do you wish to find a home for in the 'best' neighborhood? You could range from the 200,000's to the multi-millions. I would suggest researching some, and then driving around some neighborhoods! Also, giving your REALTOR some of these variables, and then having him/her make suggestions based off of that would be a great idea! Best of luck to you and your family
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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