Is there a place on this website that will tell me the average price per sq foot a home sold for in my neighborhood?

Status: Open
Apr 05, 2015 Views1,271 Answer a Question

I can find a range that individual homes were sold for in the past year but I'm looking for an average home price in my neighborhood over the last year.

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Home Appraisals
About 3 years ago
5 year update. Your realtor can set up a "Market Insight" for you. It will give you a ton of info on your neighborhood. If you don't have a realtor, email me at I'll gladly set the Insight up for you. Just reference this question and send me your email and property address.
About 7 years ago
There is under the 'neighboorhood and subdivision' information. However this information is not as helpful as a CMA(comparative market analysis) that a good agent can prepare for you.
About 8 years ago
You would get the best and most accurate results from a realtor. We would be able to look up more specific details using our tools to give you the best information.
About 8 years ago
Hi Chris, Your realtor can pull this information for you. Price per square foot only means so much, though. A neighborhood could be made up of small homes and much larger homes with varying amenities in which average price per square foot about not be a great determination of value. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Valuation is my expertise. Darby Grimmett Keller Williams 936-827-9217
About 8 years ago
Hi- I believe only a realtor has access to that information, so ask one, or me. I don't mind looking it up for you. Be sure to only compare similarly sized houses or your expectations will be blown out of proportion
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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