Texas Flat Fee MLS Listing

About Us

Family owned flat fee company
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We are a family owned and operated business. We have been in the Texas Flat Fee Agents since 2000, but started selling real estate in 1998.
Jack has been a licensed REALTOR® since 1998 and a broker since 2000. He started at Prudential, then went to Remax before starting Listing Results, LLC.
Sheila has been a licensed agent/REALTOR® since 1999 and started at Remax before starting Listing Results, LLC.
Garrett has been an assistant since 2017 and a licensed REALTOR® since 2018.


Our Sign

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When buyers scan the QR code or go to BuyTwoWays.com they will be able to:
* see property details with photos
* contact you for questions
* schedule a showing directly with you
* send a formal or informal offer

* buy directly from you without an agent or they can work with their agent (BuyTwoWays)


Texas Flat Fee Reviews

Best Flat Fee Company
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How FlatFeeReviews.com rates companies: 

Texas Best Flat Fee Company

To be TOP RATED a company in Texas, they must pass six different criteria listed below.
If any of these criteria are not fulfilled, a company will not receive a "Top Rating".

* 3rd Party Referral companies get no rating or a very low rating. A company cannot be rated, when you do not know the listing company.

#1  BBB A+ Accredited Business

#2  5+ years in business

#3  3rd party reviews (found on site) with 4+ stars (must be an outside link to reviews, not just copied and pasted on site)

#4  offer a full service option

#5  cannot be a 3rd party referral site (they take your order and sell your listing to a broker)

#6  company located in state where selling property is located

What happens after you sign up?

* If you ordered a sign or lock box, they will be shipped immediately. You should receive within 2 business days.
* If you purchased a plan that includes a market analysis, we can normally do within the same day.
* If you ordered professional photos, when can have the photographer out whenever you are ready. Normally within 2 business days.

* You will create an account and there you will find the listing steps.
* All steps are online, and you will not need to print any forms.

* Once you have completed the Texas listing steps, you will click "submit to be listed".
* When we receive the listing docs, we can put you in the que to be listed. (normally have you listed within 1-2 business days.

* After we list your property, we will send you a copy of the listing to proof. You proof and send any corrections back to us to fix.
* We set everything up, you will not need to do anything.


Texas Flat Fee Frequently Asked Questions

more FAQ's

I have never sold this way?
If you have ever listed with a Texas REALTOR®, then you have listed this way.
You are paying us a flat fee to be your listing agent. You offer a buyer agent a commission on the MLS. Should a buyer come to you directly, you would not need to pay a buyer agent.

Can I cancel and list with another agent?
Yes, you can cancel and list with another agent if you like for no extra fee.
Your listing will look the same, just with another agent. The key to selling is the list price.

Do agents show flat fee listings in Texas ?
Yes, agents show our listings.
We have been doing this many years and sold thousands of properties. You are not listing in a different way. We are just charging a Texas flat fee to be your listing agent.

Is my contact info on the Texas MLS?
Yes, your contact info is on the MLS under private agent remarks for them to contact you with any questions.

How will I get offers?
You will get offers by email and they will also show in your client admin area. Agents send offer through our site SendOffer.com so you will get it immediately when the agents send the offer. You will not have to wait on us to send it to you. Direct buyers can also send you an offer through the same site. The QR code is on your sign to do this.

How will we be notified of showings?
On the Texas MLS, there is a showing icon, the agents click on this and a window will pop open, the set a showing and you will get a text message of the showing time. You can approve or cancel the showing. We can set any showing parameters that you want. Owner direct buyers can contact you via our sign by scanning the QR code.

What is your "full service plan"?
We are full service agents that provide you will service through the entire process.
* Market analysis in Texas
* MLS Listing
* Negotiations with buyer agent
* eSign of contracts
* Offer advice and opinions
* We guide you through the entire process



Flat Fee MLS  Texas

We list your property on the Texas MLS - REALTOR ® MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE for a low flat fee. Our discount Texas REALTOR® system works great with for sale by owners or any other seller. We are a fee for service company letting you pay for the exact service you want. Please give us a call for more questions. see our LISTING RESULTS REVIEWS  Our company name is Listing Results, LLC. Our office is located in Colleyville Texas. We offer flat fee service for most markets in Texas

Texas For Sale By Owner 

Flat Fee MLS Listing is, the way to sell. The internet has completely changed the way homes are bought and sold. List on the MLS just like all other listings, and only pay a commission if a buyer agent brings you a buyer. If you sell as a FOR SALE BY OWNER Texas, you will pay no buyer agent commission but we still help you with the process. We offer full service flat fee mls in Texas and when you are ready to buy, get a home buying rebate, with our rebate program. Buying & Selling is no longer expensive, in fact, it can cost little to no commission if you work with us.


What is the Texas REALTOR® MLS?

The multiple listing service, or MLS, is a facility that allows real estate professionals - FLAT FEE REALTORS ® to learn about and share Texas property listings in support of the interests of clients and customers. REALTORS® enjoy an economical, efficient system of sharing real property information and facilitating cooperative transactions, while their clients and customers have access to the most accurate and up-to- date property information available. There are hundreds of MLS's across the country, which use a common set of rules to enable a smooth exchange of information in their local communities. The Texas MLS provide a means for participants to offer compensation to other participants and enhance cooperation among them. As applications of Internet technology to the real estate business have increased in number, quality, and acceptance by the public, most real estate brokerage firms have established "online identities." The Texas MLS has adopted Internet Data Exchange (IDX) programs as a means of enhancing cooperation between REALTORS®. Under IDX, brokers exchange consent to display each other’s listings on participants’ websites and using applications for mobile devices that participants control. Many MLS's, as a service to their members, also provide listing information to third-party aggregators such as realtor®.com and others through syndication or other similar type agreements, unless the broker withholds consent. TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® TAR


Texas Discount REALTOR®

known as limited service MLS or discount MLS - (you can do full service Flat Fee and get the same or better service as high cost 6% agents) - is a type of real estate listing service where a property owner or seller lists their property for sale on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for a flat fee, rather than paying a traditional real estate commission. The Texas flat fee MLS service typically includes listing the property on the MLS and providing a limited range of services such as taking photos, preparing the property description, and handling some administrative tasks.

The main advantage of using a Texas flat fee MLS service is that it can save the seller a substantial amount of money on real estate commission fees, which can be as high as 6% of the sale price. However, the seller typically has to handle many of the tasks that would normally be performed by a full-service real estate agent, such as negotiating with buyers and handling paperwork.

It's important to note that while a flat fee MLS Texas service may seem like a good option for sellers looking to save money, it's not right for everyone. Sellers should consider their own skills, knowledge, and comfort level when it comes to selling real estate, and weigh the costs and benefits of using a flat fee MLS service before making a decision.

Texas Flat Fee Realtor



Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services

Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice

Public web site disclaimer 


Protecting your privacy:
All personal information collected is done so exclusively with your consent. No information is collected or shared without your written consent. You may be required to submit personal information when purchasing our services. This is a secured site and no information will be shared or compromised without your authorization.

Texas Flat Fee MLS Listing