5 Tasks Every Homeowner Should Do in November

With guest season (also known as THE HOLIDAYS) coming at you fast and furious, you want to be sure your home is cozy, but with that fresh-as-spring feel — as opposed to that musty-damp-winter feel.

Here’s how to make that happen (along with a few other timely tips):

#1 Wash Bed Pillows

You love your trusty, old, perfectly-snugged-to-your-head pillow. But guess what’s also snug against your head? Fungus — 4 to 16 species to be precise. Gross!

With fall being the height of guest season, you’ll want your guest pillows fresh, too. Pop them in the washing machine and dryer for an all-over clean feeling. (But check manufacturer advice, too. Some pillows shouldn’t be washed, but replaced instead.)

#2 Clean the Mattress, Too

Sleeping soundly gets even better when you know you’re lying on a clean and fresh mattress. The yuck factor: Skin cells and sweat get into the mattress, then dust mites show up for a dinner party featuring those tasty skin cell morsels.

You’ll want your guest mattress to be at it’s freshest. It’s easy to do: Vacuum it and then wipe it down with a cloth dampened with an upholstery shampoo. But be sure to let it dry; otherwise, you’re inviting mold. Also, be sure to rotate it 180 degrees to help keep it lump-free.

(Another option: if you’ve got a flippable mattress, go ahead and flip it. That, too, can help kill the yucky mites.)

#3 Check Your Filters

When was the last time you checked the filters in your vents? We are *supposed to* change those out every 1-3 months, but chances are youve left them in there for all of 2021! Hopefully your house has similar sized vents. If so, get the 3 pack at Lowes or Home Depot. Change them all at the same time.

Now the harder part: check your filters in your heating units in the attic. You may NEVER have changed those in the entire time youve owned your house! These filters are much larger than the ones you use in your return vents for A/C. Make sure you get the right size and brand. If you arent comfortable with that, use a technician.

#4 Trim Tree Branches

The last thing you need is a winter storm loosing the wrath of that mighty tree whose branches are angling over your roof. Long limbs invite pests to explore your roof for excess water to seep into cracks in the roof or siding.

Keep limbs and branches at least 3 feet from the house. Plus it’s easier to trim branches after leaves have fallen. (If it’s an evergreen, well, sorry about that. It’ll be a prickly job, but the bonus is you’ll have greenery for the holidays!)

#5 Get a Chimney Sweep to Inspect the Fireplace (After Last Year, Dont Laugh!)

If you have a fireplace, how often do you really use it? Until last winter, maybe never??? Anyway, make sure that if we are going to fight off some historic cold again, youre ready. If you have a gas fireplace BUT PLAN TO BURN WOOD IN IT, a professional chimney sweep will ensure your wood-burning fireplace burns more efficiently and will help prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning during the winter. So yeah, it’s pretty important. Tip: If you don’t already have a chimney cap, this is also the time to add one to stop wild outdoor critters from crawling down it — and (yikes!) into your house.

Stacey Freed contributed to this list. She was a senior editor at Remodeling magazine.

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Post Category: Safety & Security, Houston Living, Home Safety

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