The vacation - part 1

I have often thought about starting a blog, but really had no idea what I would even write about. Ive seen so many recipes that have life stories in them, so the idea really didnt seem appealing to me. However, I have a few friends on social media that are so engaging, I cant help but read every word they write. I hope to be close to as engaging as those people are, but if I ever become recipe-space-filler boring, please let me know. 

My family and I just got back from a trip to Disney that we had planned almost six months ago. Having made 15+ hours drives with all five kids before (yes we have FIVE kids combined), we decided to do the smart thing and fly this time. We were very adamant about not driving and were patting ourselves on the backs for having been so smart to book the flights early and save money and frustration. Everyone was looking forward to this trip, the plane ride, theme parks, house with a pool AND hot tub, all of it. The months passed, it was down to weeks, then days, and then mere hours before our plane was scheduled to take off. We had successfully gotten the kids to sleep and we had dozed off for about an hour and a half when my phone went off. A text message from our carrier saying our flight had been cancelled! WHAT?! 

Panicked (and trying to shake off the grogginess), we clicked the link and checked the carriers website to quickly get the next available flight to Orlando. No luck. ALL the flights were being cancelled before our eyes. I immediately called the customer service number and was hold for over an hour while we looked at other airlines to find any affordable flight we could. No luck (unless we wanted to take a plan a day later and pay 5,300 per person!). Still not having reached an agent on the phone, we decided to drive to the airport. At this time, it was close to 1 AM. I didnt even know where to find anyone that could help. I was guided to the baggage claim area, where there was already an awful line. 

While in the baggage claim line, we heard peoples stories of being stranded here for days while their luggage was routed somewhere else for...whatever reason. Flights were being cancelled left and right, people were desperate to get their medications and clothing, but nothing could be done. The flights that had been cancelled had caused other effects, like crews not being in their correct locations for their next flight, so that flight had to be cancelled and etc. It was an awful mess. The tired gentleman that was scrolling for the next available flight for the group 3 people ahead of us in line explained that there was a shortage of air traffic controllers. They were overworked and underpaid, walking off the job, and wed be lucky to find a flight through any carrier at either airport. Hearing this, my husband and I looked at each other with dread. This meant that if we wanted to go on the trip wed promised the kids (that they were so looking forward to and it would crush their souls if we couldnt make it), wed have to drive. 

Ill just rent a car and drive then, the stranded man answered. 

Sir, if there are any cars left, youll be lucky. Everyone else here, and some before you, had the same idea, the tired gentleman said, looking up from his screen. 

People in the room gasped, groaned, and sighed, all collectively realizing that no one was going anywhere for an undetermined amount of time. It was finally our turn and a tired, but peppy lady named Maria asked if she could help us. We explained that wed received the text about the flight cancellation and then all the flights had been cancelled. She happily looked up the next available flight to Orlando for us only to return our hopeful looks with a solemn and puzzled one. Her curls looked fresh and bounced when she moved her head. 
Everything is cancelled, she said in her heavy Spanish accent. I have never seen anything like this before. She looked concerned as she tried to make eye contact with the tired gentleman who was now helping the next person in line while explaining the cancellations on the phone to another customer. 

After spending almost an hour in the baggage claim area, feeling like we were in one of those doomed scenes of a movie, they had begun the refund process. We hurried home. If we started driving right away, we could still get there by 7 PM. 

The kids were drowsy but cooperative as we threw clothes on them and tossed bags in the car. For the most part, the drive wasnt awful. We left around 3:30 AM and arrived in Kissimmee around 6:45 PM and got to the rental around 7. Everyone was ready to get out of the car and stretch. The 7 year old wanted nothing more than to swim in the pool hed been dreaming of since he found out about it. 

We got settled, ordered a pizza, found the Astros game on streaming, and I passed right out.  

I am using this part 1 as an example of why it is good to be organized and have a backup plan. At some point, everyone has something completely unexpected and out of their control come up and they have to deal with it. We were very fortunate that we had a vehicle that was in good enough condition to make the drive so unexpectedly. Something I want to cover with these blog entries is planning ahead, getting better organized, budgeting better, keeping a positive attitude while bad things are happening, and how to apply those skills to homeownership. I hope you will come back again. 

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