12 Reasons Your Home Stinks

It's party time or open house as part of a plan to sell your house. But there is a problem. Something does not seem right; an unpleasant odor around the house is threatening to ruin your well-planned event. This horrible stench could be a big turn-off to guests and potential homebuyers when they step into your house.

Knowing the sources and potential causes of the odor, as well as how to eradicate them is crucial to taking back control of the situation.

Below is a few causes and prescribed low-cost, mostly do-it-yourself solutions.

#1 Front-Loading Washing Machine Check your washing machine after every wash. Trapped water in the drain pump filter needs to be frequently drained and cleaned out; plus, your filter needs to be cleaned and maintained as well. Cleaning it on a regular basis will eliminate the stench from your washer. Leaving the door open between loads can also help keep the stench at bay. Regularly drying and cleaning the rubber gasket also helps.

#2 Garbage Disposal Food trapped in your kitchen sink and drain can cause unpleasant odor in the kitchen. The kitchen garbage disposal needs to be cleaned at least once a week. One of the not-so-common ways for cleaning the disposal is to put 6 ice cubes, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 3 thin lemon slices, and 1 teaspoon of bleach into the disposal. Add six more ice cubes and turn it on. When the grinding stops, run cold water for 30 seconds. The ice helps knock food particles loose. The bleach kills bacteria, and lemon slices help with odor. Be sure to try a 1:9 bleach-to-water solution on surfaces less prone to damage such as cement floors or walls.

#3 Dirty Carpet To ward off odors, always shampoo and vacuum your carpets and rugs regularly. Deep clean your carpets once a year using dry steam cleaning and deodorize if necessary.

#4 Funky Fridge Go through the refrigerator once a week and toss anything that's expired. Wipe up spills right away using hot, soapy water to keep your fridge fresh. Avoid cleaning products -- they may make your food taste like chemicals. Place an open box of baking soda in the refrigerator to keep odors out. Remember to clean the vegetable bins as well as empty all drip pans. Also, check underneath the drawers or shelves for rotten foods.

#5 Dead Animals Yes, it's possible. A faint smell that slowly gets stronger and stays for days or weeks could be a sign that you have a dead creepy creature hidden away in your house. Even if such is still alive, the pee or poop left behind can be a source of the persistent odor. Keep the house clear of clutters and set traps as applicable. Enlist the services of a professional pest control firm to inspect and exterminate pests if the problem persists.

#6 Stale Sheets Wash all used bedsheets at least once a week. For sparsely used ones, you may be able to stretch this to once every two weeks or so. The frequency may also depend largely on how hot the weather is or how much sweat you generate at night.

#7 Wet Towels If you don't wash your towels often enough, they'll start to smell and/or start to breed bacteria. Wash your towel at least once a week -- more if you live somewhere hot and humid e.g. Texas ?. Spread it out on a towel rack to dry instead of hanging from a hook.

#8 Smelly Dishwasher Food particles could be trapped in the filter. Once a week, take the filter out and scrub it with a soft brush under running water. Wipe up other residues inside the appliance with a sponge. You can use dishwasher cleaner to get it super clean. Or you can put a bowl filled with vinegar in the bottom rack of the empty dishwasher and run a cycle.

#9 Pet It is natural for your pets to poop and pee. Be sure to clean up accidents quickly, scoop poop out of kitty litter every day, and remember to wash your hands thereafter.

#10 Smoke/cigarette smell Those are tough to eradicate. But there is hope. Open all windows and place open containers of charcoal and/or white vinegar in every room to absorb the smell. You may need to leave this around for several days or weeks until the smell is gone. Be sure to clean your air ducts and replace the HVAC filters with HEPA versions to clear out accumulated smoke molecules. If you want to go full throttle, invest in an ozone generator that works its magic by oxidizing odors. If all else fails, call in the professionals to get the job done once and for all.

#11 Trash cans A smelly trash can is an unpleasant smell no one likes around the house. Here are a few tips to keep the smell at bay. Hose down the trash cans with extra strength soap and water and let air dry. If you are still struggling with a stinky trash can, splash some vinegar in the bin, add a bucket of hot water and let it sit for an hour before emptying the can and letting air dry. You can also use an odorizer or leave a generous amount of baking soda inside the can overnight to help absorb the smell. Once the bin is dry, put some newspapers inside to absorb any liquids.

#12 Cooking smell Just like smelly trash with an unpleasant odor, smells from cooking can in the air, walls, clothes, and textiles. Here are a few tips to get rid of the smell.

Open windows for ventilation and use the range hood, clean up right away, make a pot of coffee, leave a bowl of vinegar or baking soda on the counter overnight to neutralize the stubborn odors.

You can also use make your own natural potpourri from cloves, cinnamon sticks or citrusy lemon peels simmered in water on the stove for all-natural air freshener.

To ensure your house smells good, take an advantage of air fresheners, or strategically place bowls of mild potpourri in each room and most especially the foyer; which in addition also helps to create a warm impression. Be sensitive to guests and potential homebuyers - as the case may be when choosing/spraying perfumes or scents.

Fola Ajisafe is a licensed real estate consultant in Texas.

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