Which Way Should Your Ceiling Fan Turn in Summer?

Visit My Blog Shawn Parson

Most fans are reversible: One direction pushes air down, creating a nice summer breeze; the other direction sucks air up, helping you distribute heat in winter. Theres normally a switch on the motor to change the fans direction.

Is your fan turning in the right direction for summer?

  • Stand beneath the running fan, and if you feel a cooling breeze, its turning correctly.

  • If not, change directions, usually by flicking a switch on the fans base.

Typically, its counterclockwise or left for summer and clockwise for winter, but the best method is to follow the steps above.Funny note: We read on Yahoo! that one clever person used bubbles to see which direction his fan was blowing.

Lisa Kaplan Gordon is an avid gardener, a member of the Fairfax County Master Gardeners Association, and a builder of luxury homes in McLean, Va. Shes been a Homes editor for Gannett News Service and has reviewed home improvement products for AOL.

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