Air Conditioning Energy and Money Saving Tips

Living in the greater Houston area is, well...GREAT!...but the summer months can be brutal!

With higher temperatures often comes higher energy bills, as we attempt to combat the heat outside with cool, air-conditioned interiors.

Install a Smart Thermostat.Smart thermostats can automatically adjust your homes temperature when youre asleep or away to whatever your preferences are. While these require an initial investment, they have the potential to reduce your cooling bill by about 10%. Many devices can be controlled by an app on your phone so you can adjust the thermostat while you are away on vacation and change the setting when you are about to be back in town...who doesnt like coming home to a nice cool house?

Use Your Ceiling Fan(s).Have ceiling fans in your home? Use them! Ceiling fans utilize about 10% of the energy that an A/C unit does. Dont forget that many of them have a switch on them. Flip the switch as the seasons change! Counterclockwise should be used in the summer months and clockwise when it starts getting cold outside.

Shade Your Windows.Sunlight entering through windows can significantly heat up your house, causing your A/C unit to work overtime. Keep your blinds shut or install heavier shutters or curtains to keep the heat out in the summer. Like to see the beautiful views? Try solar shades instead. they can allow you to see out while also blocking the sun!

Regularly Replace Your Filter.Dusty and dirty filters can block airflow and make your system work harder. Replacing your filter once a month can reduce your energy consumption by 515. Want to be environmentally cautious? Consider a reusable air filter. The cost is higher upfront but all you do is rinse it each month, dry it, and pop it back in place!

Properly Maintain Your System.The better you take care of your system, the better it will run and the more money you will save. Schedule a routine maintenance checkup at the start of both the hotter and colder months to make sure everything is running smoothly!

Hope these tips help you stay cool this summer and help keep your energy bill down!

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Local Spring/Klein/TomballConroe

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