5 Reasons You Should Build A New Home In Canada

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5 Reasons You Should Build A New Home In Canada

One of the earliest decisions you’ll have to make when it comes to moving is whether you want to buy an existing home or build a new home. It can be quick and convenient to settle into an already established home, but you’ll be doing just that: settling. To truly get the most out of your new home, building is the way to go. When it comes to your home, it’s often better to build to ensure you’re getting everything exactly as you envision. There’s an emotional connection you gain when building a home that you just can’t find in an established house, where others have already made memories and renovated to their own liking.

Canada is an expansive land offering ample space to design your dream home. From province to province, there are so many amazing cities and towns to choose from, so be sure to do your research and find the perfect builder and spot to build a beautiful, custom home. If you face trouble choosing the right spot and design, take help from first class home builders.

Canadian Scenery Can’t Be Beat

If there’s one thing Canada is known for, it’s the diverse and spectacular landscapes of terrain and flora filling the land. Each region of Canada is home to a unique ecosystem providing a variety of gorgeous scenery to fill your backyard.

Canada’s West Coast is known as the Cordillera region and is chock full of majestic mountains. Stretching down from Alaska and along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean are the Coastal Range. To the east is Canada’s famous Rocky Mountains forming the border of British Columbia and Alberta. This rocky terrain also consists of massive and centuries-old evergreen forests. For those craving that clean, mountain air, the West Coast is the perfect destination to build.

The Prairies, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, are ideal for agriculture. The open fields and flat terrain are home to vast lakes and rivers. Lush vegetation surrounds these bodies of water, creating a more diverse selection of flora and fauna in this section of Canada. Those seeking the quiet countryside will delight in the Prairies.

Central Canada is made up of two of the largest provinces, Ontario and Quebec. These beautiful areas are made up of the Canadian Shield, which is a mix of rocky terrain, green forests, and rolling hills. The Great Lakes also call this region home, along with thousands of smaller lakes and rivers allowing for plenty of waterfront property opportunities.

Sitting in the east is Atlantic Canada, home to the Appalachian mountains and island or peninsula provinces, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. This area is made up of rocky coastline, forested interiors, and the Atlantic Ocean stretching out, endlessly. Atlantic Canada has a real small-town sense of community, perfect for those looking to live away from the hustle and bustle of more major Canadian areas.

Invest in Energy-Saving Features

In recent years, Canada has become a very green country, and not just because of the expansive forests that cover the land. Major homebuilding companies boast of energy-efficient features and eco-friendly building methods. Many older homes contain asbestos, lead paint, and mold. These troubles are not only incredibly unhealthy, but can lead to costly renovations and repairs in the future. Building a new home ensures your home will have clean, fresh appliances as well as dry, well-insulated structures.

Designing your home from the ground up means you can meet each energy code and standard for heating, ventilation, and cooling system. Not only is this good for the environment, but these features can also save you money in the long run, particularly on monthly utility bills.

Surprisingly Affordable

Most homebuyers dismiss the idea of building a home due to the fear of costly numbers. While it can be more expensive to build a house, these costs will pay off in the long run. The average cost of building a home in Canada is typically between 150 to 300 per square foot and starting from scratch means low maintenance and few repairs within the first ten years of living in your dream home. Purchasing an established home may seem like the cheaper option, but when you factor in renovations, repairs, and upgrades that you’ll inevitably run into along the way, you may just end up spending more money on fixing up that cheap home than had you initially built.


If the initial costs of building a home still seem too daunting, Canada has several great Home Construction and Self-Build Mortgage programs available. Two types of mortgages are available: completion mortgage and draw or a progress-draw mortgage. Completion means the loan isn’t transferred until all construction is finished. Draw means the builder or contractor will draw money in increments as the home is being built.

Your Pick of Location

Canada is a big place. Many incredible cities, towns, and hamlets can be found within each province, providing plenty of options for those looking for the perfect property to build their dream home. With so many options available, homebuilders can pick a location that will directly benefit their specific lifestyle.

When choosing a location, you need to keep in mind a few factors. Do you want to live in a busy city or out in the country? It may be more difficult to find the perfect plot of land in the crowded cities, but Canada is full of smaller, spacious cities as well. Do you want to be within close proximity to good schools for the little ones?

When beginning your home search, it might be easy to get distracted by the features of a home, but it is extremely important to take time to think about where you would like to live, before you can dive deeper into the type of home you would like to live in. Do you want a spacious backyard complete with spectacular views out over the ocean or surrounded by mature forests? Many locations all over Canada feature all that and then some!

Avoid the Bidding Wars

Canada’s real estate market is hot, hot, hot! Established homes move quickly among the real estate listings, especially these days of a sellers market, and finding that perfect spot can be difficult. When building your own home, you can move at your own pace once you find that perfect bit of land. You won’t have to deal with the hassle of bidding wars or worry about not affording a high enough down payment. The reduced stress of this particular buying process makes the moving experience all the better!

Moving to a new city or province can be extremely daunting. Searching for that perfect house that meets all your preferences and specifications can be a taxing experience. Those looking to buy a beautiful, open property anywhere in Canada will find that they can have it all; from the ideal, picturesque location to the exact features you want in a home, building a home in Canada is definitely an option worth considering!

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Post Category: International Real Estate, Home Buying, Home Builders

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