What is the price of Your House?

What is the price of Your House?
Everybody knows this famous joke in the picture.
You cannot make an adequate price opinion because of personal attachment. The professional appraisal is fair and, in most cases, an accurate picture of the real house cost, but for the other purposes. It shows how much money it would take to replace this house with the new one using the same materials and technologies at the exact place and square footage. The goal of the tax assessor is obvious. The buyer is willing to get the best house for the lowest price he/she could. But who can help you with the market price? And what is the market price? Your Realtor has different technologies to figure it out.
Moreover, with the experience and all the data Realtors have access to, it becomes the best way to successfully price home. This is not the only "medium square foot price in the area". There are many adjustments, and other work should be done before your house is represented on the market right and better.
Always talk you your Realtor beforehand and ask him to prepare full CMA for you. You definitely want to know how your house price looks like and that its priced right.
This is one of the main points of your quick and profitable sale, and it means the immediate step to your next real estate or other investment goals.

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