Covid Back to School

Visit My Blog Virginia Alvarado

It's back to school time and many things will be looking different this school year. Starting with all the cute first day of school pictures we are so used to seeing and posting! At least the start of the school year will be different, no meet the teacher, lunch packing, or long lists of supplies. Instead most of us are shopping for extra desks, and computers. This change has challenged me to adapt to the new way of learning for my children. I've been researching everything I can do, to make this a memorable, educational, and easy transition for them. I know this will be challenging but it is our duty to make the situation as smooth as possible for them. Here I will share the most common tips I have seen in articles, blogs, and videos about remote learning.

Set a learning Space- Whether it be a corner in your office, an extra study room, or a space in their room. Create a learning space for them to be able to disconnect from any distraction and concentrate in their studies. If your home does not have much extra space consider purchasing a wall desk. These can easily be folded back into the wall after they have completed their work. When setting this space also make sure to include things they enjoy so that they are attracted to it. 

School Supplies at Hand- It never fails that a pencil runs out of eraser, or a crayon breaks. Keep a caddie with all the supplies they might need, pencils, markers, highlighters, etc. This will make it easier for them to switch out what they need and always be prepared. 

Schedule- It is important that we have a schedule for them to follow. When they are at school they have every minute of the day planned out by their teacher. At home we must also keep them organized so that they don't get distracted or confused. Most teachers are sending out schedules to help and all we must do is follow. It is probably convenient to print out the schedule and display it so that the student can start being independent and follow it themselves. Starting to use a planner will also help older student. They should write down their assignments deadlines and keep track of completed assignments to stay up to date and organized.

Ask for Help- Teachers and staff should always be available to help you with all your questions or needs. If you do not know how to help your child with an assignment communicate it to the teacher. Do not be embarrassed, they would much rather you ask for help than to let your child fall behind.

As parents we all want the best for our children and that can be stressful but remember your family is not the only one. The world is in the same position you are in, and we are all just trying our best. Take a step back when needed and believe that your are doing the best you can! 

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Post Category: General, Education, Schools

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