Susan has gotten her CCIM Designation!

Visit My Blog Susan Annoura

The CCIM designation is the highest level commercial real estate designation a real estate professional can obtain.  It stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. For me, it took nearly two years to complete.  I took courses in Houston, Austin, South Carolina, and California, then sat for my comprehensive exam in Chicago.  The designation also requires the submission of a $10 million portfolio proving extensive participation over a minimum of 10 separate commercial real estate transactions- either helping an investor to buy, sell, or lease commercial property. If you are an investor looking to invest in Houston commercial real estate, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Congratulations also to Eugene Wang, President of AREAA Houston. We went through our CCIM designation journey together, and even tested together in Chicago, leaving the day after our huge and exciting AREAA Gala.
For more information about CCIM, check out
It's exciting to hear that CCIM is going global and has made it's way to Japan.  Check it out!

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