Big Ticket Items to Look Out for Before Submitting an Offer

When it comes to purchasing a property, it's crucial to thoroughly assess certain critical elements of the home before submitting an offer. These "big ticket items" can significantly impact the overall cost and long-term ownership experience. In this article, we will discuss two key areas that every buyer should carefully consider before making an offer: the roof and HVAC units. By understanding the condition and age of these elements, buyers can make informed decisions and plan for potential replacements or repairs.

Roof: Protecting Your Investment

The roof plays a vital role in safeguarding your home and its contents from the elements. It is important to determine the age and condition of the roof before making an offer. The seller's disclosure typically includes information on the roof's age. Keep in mind that the average lifespan of a roof is around 30 years, but in specific regions like Houston, it may be shorter, averaging around 20 years. If the roof is over 17 years old, it is essential to be aware that homeowner's insurance premiums may increase. By considering the age and condition of the roof, buyers can assess potential future expenses and plan accordingly.

HVAC Units: Ensuring Comfort and Efficiency

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment. Evaluating the age of the HVAC units is crucial during the initial property viewing. HVAC systems typically have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, depending on usage and maintenance. If the units are nearing the 20-year mark, buyers should be prepared for potential replacement costs during their ownership. The price of replacing HVAC units can vary significantly, ranging from $12,000 to $25,000, depending on factors such as the number of units, size, and brand. By understanding the age and potential lifespan of the HVAC units, buyers can factor in potential expenses and ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency in their new home.

Budget: Planning Ahead for Replacements or Repairs

To avoid unexpected financial burdens, it is essential to have a budget in place for potential replacements or repairs of these big ticket items. By considering the age and condition of the roof and HVAC units, buyers can plan for future expenses and negotiate accordingly during the option period. Having a clear understanding of potential costs and budgeting for them will ensure a smoother transition into homeownership.


When preparing to make an offer on a property, it is crucial for buyers to thoroughly assess the condition of certain critical elements known as "big ticket items." By evaluating the age and condition of the roof and HVAC units, buyers can make informed decisions, plan for potential replacements or repairs, and budget accordingly. These considerations are essential for protecting their investment, ensuring comfort, and avoiding unforeseen financial burdens. To schedule a buyer consultation and discuss these important aspects further, please check out my bio and click the link.

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Post Category: Housing Market, Home Buying, Home Appraisals

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