What To Fix And What To Not Fix When Selling a House

Photo by Umanoide on Unsplash

Selling a house is a big decision - one often accompanied by the dilemma of what repairs and upgrades are essential for a successful sale, and what can be metaphorically 'swept under the rug.'.

Recent industry insights show that home repair and remodeling have become increasingly important - and expensive - in recent years. According to data from the third quarter of 2023, the cost of home repairs and remodeling jumped by 6.6% nationally compared to a year earlier, marking the highest levels in the past decade. This increase outpaced the general rate of inflation, which was around 3.2% at the time.

One of the key factors driving this trend is the aging of the American housing stock; with nearly half of the homes in the U.S. having been built before 1980, the median age of homes is rising. As these homes age, the need for upgrades and improvements grows; meanwhile, new construction has slowed, making renovation an even more appealing and affordable option for many homeowners. The desire to customize a recently purchased property or upgrade a home before selling it to maximize value has also been a significant factor.

Interestingly, kitchen and bathroom renovations remain the most popular (and priciest) projects, reflecting the importance homeowners place on these areas; upgrading these spaces not only enhances the appearance and functionality of a home but can also lead to significant returns on investment, especially if the property is being prepared for sale or rent.

Here are some key aspects for homeowners to consider when preparing their house for sale:

Essential Repairs: Non-Negotiable Fixes

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Structural Integrity and Safety

The top priority is ensuring the structural integrity and safety of the house. Any issues with the foundation, roof, walls, or other structural components must be addressed; from addressing foundational concerns to fixing problems with synthetic roof underlayment, ensuring diligence in this area is vital, as even seemingly minor issues can lead to bigger problems if ignored. Potential buyers and home inspectors will quickly spot major flaws, which could significantly reduce the property's value or even derail a sale.

Plumbing and Electrical Systems

Problems with plumbing and electrical systems are not only a turn-off for buyers but also pose safety risks. Leaks, outdated wiring, or malfunctioning fixtures should be fixed; these repairs not only improve the home's functionality but also reassure buyers about the property's condition, says Alex Coffman.

HVAC Systems

A functional heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is crucial. Ensure that the HVAC system is in good working order, as this is often a concern for buyers, especially in regions with extreme weather conditions.

Cosmetic Improvements


A fresh coat of paint can transform a space, making it look cleaner and infinitely more inviting. Neutral colors are recommended as they appeal to a broader range of buyers and allow them to envision their own decor.


Curb appeal is critical. Simple landscaping tasks, such as mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and planting flowers, can significantly enhance the property's appeal, and all without a substantial investment. Installing artificial grass is also a strong option as it enhances the curb appeal of your property. An artificial lawn is a low-maintenance and eco-friendly feature that appeals to potential buyers, making your home stand out in the real estate market.

Minor Repairs

Address minor repairs such as fixing broken tiles, patching holes in walls, and repairing leaky faucets; these small fixes can notably improve the overall impression of the house.

Upgrades: What's Worth It?

Kitchen and Bathrooms

Investing in the kitchen and bathrooms can be beneficial, as these rooms significantly impact buyers' decisions; still, rather than complete overhauls, consider cost-effective updates like replacing outdated hardware, repainting cabinets, or installing new light fixtures.

Energy Efficiency

Improving energy efficiency through better insulation, energy-efficient appliances, or upgraded windows can be attractive to buyers, especially in areas with high energy costs.


Replacing worn or outdated flooring can be a wise investment. However, if the existing flooring is in decent condition, professional cleaning or minor repairs might suffice.

Home Exterior

Enhancing the home exterior can also significantly boost curb appeal and property value. Simple updates such as painting the exterior, updating the landscaping, or adding outdoor lighting can make a big difference. Replacing old siding or upgrading the front door can also be impactful for those looking to invest further.

What Not to Fix

Major Renovation

Avoid large-scale modifications and renovations like adding rooms or significant layout changes, as these projects are costly, time-consuming, and may not yield a return proportional to the investment.

Personalized Projects

Steer clear of highly personalized projects, such as custom murals or eccentric landscaping; these personal touches might not appeal to the general market, and could even detract from the property's value.

Outdated Decor

While it's tempting to update every aspect of the home's decor, this is often unnecessary. Buyers are likely to redecorate according to their tastes, so focus on neutral, universally appealing choices.

Budgeting for Repairs and Upgrades

Evaluate the cost of repairs and upgrades against the potential increase in property value, prioritizing projects that offer the best return on investment.

Professional Assessments

Consider hiring a home inspector or real estate agent for an unbiased assessment of what needs to be fixed; they can provide valuable insights into what repairs are crucial, and what can be left as is.

DIY vs. Professional Help

Determine which repairs you can realistically do yourself and which require professional help. While DIY can save money, poorly executed repairs can detract from the home's value.

Understanding Buyer Expectations

Move-In Ready Appeal

Many buyers prefer homes that are move-in ready; addressing essential repairs and making cosmetic improvements can cater to this demand, making the property more attractive to a broader audience.

The Importance of Staging

Staging the house effectively can make a significant difference, helping buyers envision themselves living in the space; this can be a powerful motivator in their decision-making process.


Be transparent about the condition of the house and any repairs made; honesty builds trust and can prevent legal complications post-sale.

Getting the Balance Just Right

Preparing a house for sale is a balancing act between making necessary repairs and upgrades while avoiding overinvestment in areas that don't offer a substantial return. The focus should be on structural integrity, safety, and cosmetic improvements; smart spending, understanding buyer expectations, and being selective about what to fix can also all lead to a successful, profitable sale.

If you have any questions and want to learn more tips about selling a house, reach out to Jennifer Yoingco, REALTOR®, and her team, The Houston Suburb Group. They'll help you get ready to EXPERIENCE LIVING IN HOUSTON TEXAS!

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Post Category: Home Selling, Home Improvements & Repair, Home Marketing

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