Great Opportunity in a Down Market

Great Opportunity in a Down Market
by Sam Orlando
     I know a lot of people today hear all the bad news about the economy and are fearful of what is going to happen. Well no matter what happens in the economy, you need a place to lay your weary head as they say, and unless you crawl up under a bridge somewhere, you will need a house.
With that said, it is a truly great time to buy a house. It has been a sellers market for sometime now, and the tide is changing. There are some great buys on homes right now, and if you are in the market for a home it can be a great opportunity for you.  If you are renting it makes it even a greater opportunity.  For investors, homes and properties are unlike the stock market, or even a bank, when you invest in real estate, you have a solid tangible asset that in the past, has show to increase in value over time.
The real estate market as with the economy runs in cycles, which basically means that it is up for a certain time frame and it will go down for a certain time frame. Well we are in the mist of a cyclical down turn in the market. 
The down turn in the market, is an opportunity for buyers and an unfortunate circumstance for sellers. As bad as the Great Depression was, the market eventually recovered and many that had foresight took advantage of the situation by investing while the market was down, and when it came back up they did quite well. 
In more recent times during the 1980's in the Houston area, the market was down even worse that it is today. During that time I sold quite a few homes and those that bought during that time ended up with a lot of equity in their homes when the market recovered. I had several investors that bought multiple properties for very good prices and when the market recovered, they came out very good.
If you are a buyer don't miss out, now is the time to take advantage of the situation. There are many great HUD and bank foreclosures out there that are very good buys. The great deals have been going quickly so don't miss out.
We have a automated system that we can put you on for FREE our "Foreclosure Auto Notification System" that will automatically email you foreclosed properties in any area and price range as soon as they hit the market. We can get you pre approved for a mortgage so when the right one comes up you will be ready to jump on it.
As I said real estate is in a down market right now, but what unfortunately is down for one is fortunately a opportunity for someone else.
Sam Orlando
First Texas Realty    

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Post Category: Foreclosures & Investments, Home Buying, General

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