Crucial Questions for Your Divorce Attorney including Real Estate

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What Questions to Ask Divorce Lawyer During Consultation

  1. Children: How will child custody and visitation arrangements be determined? What factors will the court consider in making decisions about the well-being and best interests of the children involved?  Child support payments when keep the house?  
  2. Finances: How will the division of assets and liabilities be handled? What factors will be considered in determining the equitable distribution of property, including bank accounts, investments, and debts?  Taxes cause by divorce?
  3. House: If you own a house or other real estate together, what options are available for handling its division or determining who will retain ownership? How will the value of the property be assessed? Thinking about a Divorce mortgage buyout?
  4. Retirement Accounts: How will retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s or pensions, be divided? What steps need to be taken to ensure a fair distribution of these assets, considering tax implications and potential penalties? QDRO, we can help?
  5. House Sale: When selling the house, what considerations should be made?

    How much will you net from the sale? Understanding the net proceeds is vital in planning your post-divorce financial situation.

    To help you estimate your net proceeds accurately, you can use our Netsheet Calculator. This tool takes into account various factors like closing costs, outstanding mortgage balance, and other expenses associated with selling a property. Navigate to Netsheet Calculator to get a clear projection of how much you can expect to receive from the sale, facilitating informed decisions during this challenging time."

    How is the process handled in the context of divorce proceedings, who can help" 

Our YouTube. 

YouTube Shorts break down on 1st Red Flags to watch for! 

2nd Red Flag short

We have more question to ask on our Free Divorce Resource download here. 

Ready to get a new place or keep your current home

Are you moving in Katy

What about Capital Gains on a Property

Home Sale Calculator: How Much Will I Make Selling My home

 Will home prices drop? 

Your real estate team and an attorney can help you navigate this process.

We recommend working with a professional appraiser, real estate agent, and attorney to ensure a successful transaction.  

We have Houston Real Estate Covered!  HOME SELLER'S GUIDE

Real Estate is our specialty! 

Realtors and Lenders That Provide Compassion and Guidance For all Your Needs We work hand-in-hand with clients to help ease stressful real estate transitions.     

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Post Category: Education, Mortgage & Finance, Home Selling

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