11 Essential Hurricane Knows

A very good Wednesday morning to you. We love when you stop by. Thank you. We are touching just a bit on the current hurricane season. Let's knock on wood, we have been lucky so far this season. Nothing's brewing in the Gulf, that we are currently aware of. Still, it's always better to have a plan in place and not need it, than not have one and need it. So, that being said, here are some essential hurricane knows to help get your plan in place.

  1. Hurricane season begin June 1 and end November 30
  2. Make sure you have a plan in place
  3. This season, as a whole, is expected to be near average, but you never know.
  4. Have your flood insurance in place.
  5. Make sure you have enough supplies for at least a week.
  6. Water is the most essential so FEMA recommends 2-week supply.
  7. You also want a lot of nonperishable foods like cans of vegetables, fruits, and soups, things that can be used to supplement a meal.
  8. Essential items you want to have just in case includes: a portable battery-powered radio, flashlights, batteries, a portable phone charger, first aid kit, a bit of cash, blankets, a generator, and just in case towers get knocked out, board games to pass time and keep your spirits up.
  9. Know how you're going to get out and know what route you're going to take.
  10. If not already in a safe deposit box, or somewhere else secure, have copies (digital or hard copies) of important documents for insurance and whatnot.
  11. Don't forget "biscuit", the family pet. Make sure he or she is included in the plan.

If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are always looking out for your best interest. As always, thank you so much for stopping by, and remember, if you are thinking of purchasing your new home, or selling an existing one, please give us a call. We are here to help. We have been helping home buyers and sellers 12 years and counting. We can help you. Until next time...Diana


Astor & Eaton Realty
Diana Walton
Real Estate Broker
Write to Diana Walton at homes@astoreaton.com

We do more because we care more

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Post Category: Houston Living, Home Safety, Safety & Security

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