Best Flowers to Plant for Spring

Best Flowers to Plant for Spring

Springtime is here, and it is the time to get out and celebrate nature. One of the best ways to enjoy the season is to bring color and aroma to your yard or garden by planting varieties of early and late-blooming plants. In addition, you promote biodiversity on your property by attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. We’ll show you a mix of the best early to late spring flowers and guidelines about when to plant and how to care for them. First, we’ll begin by explaining the difference between perennials and annuals.

Perennials and annuals- It’s important to know how these two planting groups differ so that you can plan and coordinate a combination of blooms for the most favorable display. Perennial flowers regrow every spring, while annuals live for only one growing season. If you are looking for fast growth and a quick splash of color, annuals are a good choice if you are okay with replanting them yearly. They fill in the gaps and add curb appeal. Perennials are usually more expensive, but they are a worthwhile investment because they are long-term and tend to grow slowly. You will have the best of both worlds by planting annuals and perennials due to longer and more intermittent bloom periods and varying hues.

Types of perennials and annuals- If you are looking for flowers that live for more than two years, some suggestions to consider are the peony, daylily, hosta, iris, lavender, black-eyed susan, aster, tulip, daffodil, hyacinth, crocus, lily of the valley, and lilac. Those that are heartier and don’t mind the cold will come up in early spring, such as the crocus, iris, tulip, daffodil, lily of the valley, and hyacinth. They have bulbs that need to be planted in the fall and can be split to produce more. Others can be grown from seeds, such as Shasta daisies, black-eyed Susans, yarrow, and purple coneflowers. If you prefer starting with larger plants, you can choose shrubs like azalea and forsythia or trees like magnolia, apricot, or dogwood.

While your perennials provide a basic long-term structure, annuals fill the spaces in between with bright colors and conveniently rapid growth. Although short-lived, many are popular for their availability in multiple colors and can come in various sizes. Examples of flowers that only grow one season are pansies, zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, and petunias.

Timetable and care- Flowers best for early spring planting can handle the cooler air, such as sweet peas, pansies, petunias, and snapdragons. Once the summer heat arrives, though, they will fade. Therefore, you should plant other species in between that will bloom throughout the spring and summer, like gladiolas, roses, sunflowers, and summer lilies. When planting seeds or transplanting potted plants, follow directions for proper placement as per their sun exposure requirements. Among many that require full sun and are drought intolerant, zinnias, marigolds, peonies, hibiscus, and sunflowers are some examples. Some that thrive in the shade or indirect sunlight are begonias, fuchsia, impatiens, primrose, and lily of the valley.

Once you know the varieties of early and late spring blooms in either the annual or perennial family, you can start planning ahead for the season to sow. For the best results, follow product packaging directions or consult a professional gardener or botanist. Also, remember where to place your plants for the healthiest and most robust results, with attention to proper sun exposure, watering frequency, and soil use. With practice, you will learn to cultivate a diverse garden that you can beautifully maintain and enjoy throughout the season.

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