Steps For a 30 Day Close

So you've found the house of your dreams and are ready to make an offer! This quick guide will give you an idea of what lies ahead before you can move in to your home.

1. Write the offer! I will help you to figure out what a good offer will be, this includes; price, closing date, option period days and fee, and other things. The sellers will generally counter your offer and you'll meet somewhere in the middle. Once all terms are agreed to by both the buyer and seller and everyone has signed, you will have an executed offer.

2. After your offer is accepted, you will need to deliver the earnest money and option fee to the title company within 3 days of the effective date. The earnest money is a deposit of sorts letting the sellers know you are serious about buying the home. At closing, your earnest money comes back to you as less cash that you'll need to bring to closing. The option period fee also needs to be delivered within 3 days. The option fee is non-refundable (it goes to the sellers) and it gives you the option to rescind the contract within the negotiated amount of days. We will discuss the earnest money in more detail because if you don't fulfill your terms in the contract, you could end up losing it to the sellers.

3. Once your contract is ratified you have the negotiated amount of days to conduct any inspections you want to have done. Unless you are using a VA loan, you will pay for these. See attached pricing sheet for more info. Usually buyers like to attend the inspections so they can talk to the inspector but if need be, I can attend solo. You will get full reports from the inspectors with pictures and recommendations.

4. After inspections are done, we will write up an addendum for the sellers. If repairs need to be done the sellers can either have the work done (at their own expense), the sellers can negotiate which repairs they're willing to do, lower the price, or the deal can be dissolved.

5. Your lender will order an appraisal of the home. The appraiser looks at what sold in the area recently and compares it to the house you've chosen. It gives you and the bank an estimate of market value.

6. Final walk through, the day before closing we will do a final walk through of the house to make sure that everything was repaired and left the way it was supposed to have been.

7. Closing. Sign lots of paperwork and move into your home!

Despite this being a 7 step process it will feel like more, buying a home is emotional but rewarding! I will be there fighting for you along the way and ensuring that the process is as smooth as possible.

Do not add additional things to your credit while you are trying to buy a home!
* THIS IS A SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF EVENTS AND WILL NOT APPLY TO EVERY BUYERS PROCESS*** It also does not include lender or title company requirements.

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