Best 5 Spring Projects to Consider

  1. Schedule a spring tune-up for the air conditioning system. During routine maintenance, an HVAC professional can determine if parts need to be replaced or if other issues could arise when the unit is being pushed during the hottest days later in the year.
  2. Have the ductwork professionally cleaned. If a home is more than 10 years old, chances are the ductwork has accumulated a lot of hair, pet dander, dust mites and other debris. Having the ductwork cleaned and inspected can improve a home’s indoor air quality.
  3. Have the plumbing system inspected. Leaks stemming from lack of maintenance can lead to failures that can cost thousands in repairs. Having drains inspected and cleared regularly can also extend the life of the home’s plumbing system and prevent total blockages.
  4. Ensure sump pumps are working properly. Late winter and early spring are notoriously wet times of the year as ice and snow in higher elevations begin to melt, saturating the ground. If a home’s sump pump stops working during rainy seasons, a home could flood, which can lead to big repair bills.
  5. Schedule a home electrical inspection. Most people only schedule an electrical inspection when they are considering buying a home, but it’s a good idea to have an electrical inspection to periodically check for hazards. Homes with outdated electrical outlets, or too few outlets, older panel boxes or no surge protection are at risk for electrical fires and damaged appliances and electronic equipment.

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Post Category: Home Improvements & Repair, Houston Living, General

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