Considering Adding a Firepit This Year?

There are few things that carry the feel of fall like sitting by a fire on a cool autumn night. Of course, not everyone lives somewhere where they can just build a bonfire or even set up a little campfire at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, there are options available for those who want the ambiance and experience of sitting by the fire without the hassle and liabilities that go along with building bigger fires. The best option is installing a fire-pit in your yard or even on your deck for those days you want to just relax by the fire.

Not all fire-pits are created equal, however. While you could pick up a cheap fire-pit somewhere and just set it up, if you really want to maximize the experience and get the most out of it, then you’ll want to do a bit more planning and create an area where you can really enjoy it. This will also help to ensure that the fire-pit is set up safely, so you don’t accidentally create a fire hazard or other dangerous situation in your yard.

Fire-pit Considerations

First and foremost, you need to make sure that your fire-pit is safe. This involves not only installing a fire-pit unit that is structurally sound, but also installing it in a place that is stable so that the fire-pit won’t tip or shift in such a way that it could spill its contents or fall over. Regardless of whether the fire-pit is being installed on a deck, on your yard, or buried in the ground, safety and stability should be your primary concerns.

This could mean that you’ll have to do a bit of construction around the fire-pit or add stone or concrete underneath it to create a solid and stable surface for it to sit on. Once the fire-pit is in place, you’ll want to try moving it in different directions to make sure that it doesn’t shift or wobble. You should also inspect it for dents, cracks, or other signs of damage that could become a bigger problem down the road; you’ll want the fire-pit to be structurally sound before it’s installed, and if you see signs of damage now then you’ll want to get those repaired before you finish the installation.

Cozy On Up

Once you’ve got the perfect place to put your fire-pit and you’ve confirmed that it’s safe to operate there, you’ll want to build out the area around it. While you could just use folding chairs or other temporary seating, it’s almost a shame to go through all the trouble of setting up a fire-pit just to then skimp on the seating. A better option is to get matched seating to go around the fire-pit to help add ambiance to the location while also giving you somewhere to sit.

This can come in a wide range of forms. You could go with nice wooden seating, Adirondack chairs, metal seats with cushions, or even wicker seating to go around the fire-pit. Rounded benches or other connected seating are also a good idea, giving you multiple seating options, while also being stylish and literally making the fire-pit the center of attention. Regardless of the type of seating you go with, try to match the colors and style of the fire-pit to your seating, and you’ll really be able to tie it all together.

Setting Up Your Fire-pit

After you get everything else sorted, setting up your fire-pit is largely a matter of getting it in place and securing it or otherwise ensuring that it’s stable. If you have a fire-pit that runs on propane or other gas, then you’ll also have to run pipes to feed it; this is a less common scenario, though, since many people who want a fire-pit want the smell and experience of burning wood.

If all of this seems like more work than you’re comfortable taking on, though, you can always call in a professional. 

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Post Category: Home Improvements & Repair, Home Inspections, General

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