Ways to Make Your Yard & Home a Bug-Free Zone

Do you have a wonderful place to gather outdoors? Fantastic. A never-ending stream of insects that invade your patio and home? No, thank you. Here are some strategies for keeping bugs off your patio and yard, as well as keeping them out of your house.

Fall time is coming and that beautiful weather is upon us soon! Make sure you follow these tips in order to enjoy your outside time with friends and family!

#1 Install Patio Fans

Mosquitos may have a tough sting, but they’re wimps when it comes to standing up to a breeze. Patio fans can keep your outdoor entertaining space free from mosquitoes (and other little flyers) with the flip of a switch.

And you’ll get the benefit of a cool breeze.

#2 Don’t Mulch Too Much (or Too Little)

While mulching is generally a good thing for curb appeal, overdoing it can cause problems.

It could give cockroaches and ants the ideal environment to nest and find their way into your home, says Brittany Campbell, an entomologist and technical services manager at Control Services in Omaha. As mulch decomposes, it generates heat while providing cover for brooding pests. It can even help mice tunnel into your home.

So keep mulch at least 12 inches away from the foundation — or use inorganic mulch, such as rock or gravel.

But don’t go in the opposite direction and forgo mulching altogether, leaving the ground essentially bare. Yellow jackets make their nests by tunneling into bare dirt.

#3 Get Rid of Standing Water

This is something youre probably aware of. Have you heard that your gutters and downspouts may hold several mosquito nursery chambers? To prevent blockages that can trap water and offer those nasty stings a place to grow, clean out your gutters and downspouts on a regular basis.

Also make sure to keep kiddie pools, buckets, and watering cans empty when not in use.

Even your beloved birdbath can be an issue. “Make sure you get one with running water, so you don’t inadvertently create a mosquito breeding ground,” says Kevin Espiritu, home landscaping expert and author.

#4 Keep Your Yard Trimmed, Mowed, and Tidy

Pull out that lawnmower regularly and keep your garden shears sharpened.

“Ticks like to hide in tall grass and wait for a passing human or animal, while bushes or tree limbs touching the home can provide easy access for pests to get indoors,” says Campbell.

Plus having a tidy yard makes for good curb appeal.

#5 Add Landscaping Plants That Bugs Hate

Not only are mint and citrus plants beautiful, but they also keep bugs away. Plant them near your porch, patio, or deck for extra protection against pests.

Here are some pest-repelling plants and the bugs that hate them:

  • Basil: flies, mosquitoes
  • Catnip: mosquitoes, ticks, flies, cockroaches
  • Chrysanthemums: roaches, ants, ticks, fleas, bedbugs
  • Lavender: moths, fleas, flies, mosquitoes
  • Citronella: mosquitoes
  • Geranium, lemon scented: mosquitoes
  • Lemon thyme: mosquitoes
  • Marigold: mosquitoes
  • Rosemary: mosquitoes

#6 Paint Your Home Lighter Colors

There is evidence to suggest that mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors, so people are often advised to wear light-colored clothing to avoid them. The same principle may work for your home. Choose lighter shades of paint color for your home’s siding, doors, trim, and other features such as fencing, patio, and decking—making them less appealing to mosquitoes in the process.

If youre worried about birds, use a paint color that doesnt match their favorite foods. Make sure the paint job is appropriate for the neighborhood and improves your homes curb appeal. Bugs might be a nuisance, but harming your homes value is much worse.

7. Make Sure Doors and Windows Fit Snugly

Doors and windows that fit snugly are less likely to let in flying pests. Inspect the weather stripping around doors and windows and replace it if necessary. You can also install door sweeps to help seal any gaps.

Now, enjoy the time outside and, GOOD LUCK!!

Hello! I'm Jay Thomas, a REALTOR in Houston, Texas. Chances are you and I share a similar passion, Real Estate! I also have a passion for building businesses, working out, inspiring others, technology, sports, and people. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram!

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Post Category: Home Improvements & Repair, Country Homes / Acreage Living, Home Safety

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