May is National Moving Month!

For those of you planning to move, here are a few tips for you to consider;
1. Consider holding a garage sale. You don’t want to pack up and move anything that shouldn’t take up space in your new home. A yard sale is a great way to offload items, and even raise a little cash toward your mover fund.  Also consider local resale shops that are more than happy to take your items, whose sales help local charities in your community.
2. Get multiple estimates from movers. Rather than going with the first company you see, choose three moving companies minimum to get estimates from. You might be surprised at the difference in cost, technique, and variety of services.  Some movers may also offer recycled moving boxes and bubble wrap, be sure to ask.
3. Color-code everything. To avoid a sea of anonymous cardboard boxes, assign each room a color. Mark each box with its designated room color to make grouping easier later.  
4. Number boxes designated for storage.  Create an itemized list of its contents for future reference.
5. Pack essentials. Make sure you set aside the essentials to keep with you in your personal vehicle. Pack a change of clothes, a first-aid kit, toiletries, and medications. You can even stock a cooler with drinks and snacks while you’re at it.  Maybe even a few kitchen items. 
6. Make a checklist of services to transfer.   As your Realtor, I will provide you with a basic services list that you can customize to facilitate transferring services and updating your address. 

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Post Category: Home Selling, Moving & Storage, Relocation & Newcomer

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