What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

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What does your homeowners insurance cover? The short answer is: A basic homeowners insurance policy (called HO-1 in insurance lingo) covers your home and possessions if theyre damaged or destroyed by these things:

  • Fire

  • Lightning

  • Windstorm (unless you live in a hurricane zone)

  • Hail (not available everywhere)

  • Explosion

  • Riots

  • Civil commotion

  • Aircraft (and things falling from aircraft)

  • Vehicles (and things thrown from vehicles)

  • Smoke

  • Vandalism (although some policies exclude this)

  • Malicious mischief

  • Theft

  • Volcanic eruption

But many states dont allow this basic policy to be sold. Instead, you have to buy an upgraded policy that covers more perils.

Upgraded Homeowners Insurance

That upgraded policy (called HO-2) adds protection to your home and possessions from even more perils. You get protection from everything on the HO-1 list (above) plus:

  • Falling objects

  • The weight of ice, snow, or sleet

  • Flooding from your appliances, plumbing, HVAC, or fire-protection sprinkler system

  • Damage to electrical parts caused by artificially generated electrical currents (such as a power surge not caused by lightning). But damaged electronics such as computers arent covered.

  • Glass breakage

  • Abrupt collapse (say from termite damage)

That same list applies to the homeowners insurance you buy for a condominium or co-op (except then its called HO-6 instead of HO-2).

With HO-1, HO-2, and HO-6, what you see is what you get. So if zombies attacked your home, your HO-1 or HO-2 wouldnt cover the damage because zombies arent on the list of specific things those policies cover.

The right homeowners insurance policy is vital. Learn what to look for with these tips.

The Most Complete Homeowners Insurance

The most complete and protective form of homeowners insurance (called HO-3) covers you for all perils except some specific ones like:

  • Floods

  • Earthquakes

  • Wars

  • Nuclear accidents

  • Landslides

  • Mudslides

  • Sinkholes

With this policy, if zombies attacked, youd be covered because zombies werent specifically excluded by your HO-3 policy.

What Homeowners Insurance Doesnt Cover

No matter which basic policy you get, its not going to cover everything than can damage or destroy your home. Typical homeowners policies dont cover:

  • Bad things that happen because you failed to maintain your home (like mold)

  • Hurricanes

  • Floods

  • Earthquakes

  • Mudslides

  • Landslides

  • Sinkholes

  • War

  • Nuclear accidents

  • Sewer backups

  • Sump pump failure

  • Ground movement and holes caused by mining (known as mine subsidence insurance)

  • Pollution

You can buy additional policies to cover some but not all of those perils (a quick Google search didnt turn up any nuclear accident coverage).

And even if insurance is available for the most common natural disaster in your area, you may not be able to buy it if your home has features that make it vulnerable. For example, a home with unrated wood shake roof shingles may be tough to insure in an area where wildfires are common.

Other Things Homeowners Insurance Covers

In addition to covering your home, homeowners insurance also covers four more things:

1. Your outbuildings, landscaping, and hardscaping.If you have outbuildings (like a barn), landscaping, or hardscaping (like fences), your homeowners policy most likely covers those for up to 10% of your policy amount (5% for plants).

For example, if you have 100,000 in homeowners insurance and someone drives into your fence, the policy would cover 10%, or 10,000 in repairs.

Sometimes policies exclude damage to outbuildings, landscaping, or hardscaping caused by a particular peril (like wind).

2. Damage or loss of your personal belongings. Your homeowners policy covers your familys belongings, even when you take them out of the house. If your child heads to college with a laptop and its stolen, thats probably covered by your homeowners insurance policy.

A home insurance policy covers a lot of your personal belongings, but not necessarily everything.

Youll need additional insurance if you have many expensive items like jewelry, furs, or antiques.
Policies will either state that your personal belongings are insured for replacement cost or cash value.

Replacement cost means that the insurance company will pay the full cost of replacing an item (such as the laptop mentioned above, or a sofa damaged in a fire) once you show a receipt. Cash value means the insurance company will issue you a check for the amount that the laptop or sofa would have been worth when it was stolen or destroyed.

3. Temporary living expenses if your home is so damaged you cant live in it. When you cant live in your home, your homeowners insurance covers your living expenses, including hotel bills and meals. But, you cant live in the hotel forever and eat lobster every night on the insurance companys tab. Your policy will have limits on how long you stay and how much you can spend.

4. Injuries or accidents at your house. Homeowners insurance coverage includes liability - meaning it covers you when you or your family members cause injuries or damage. This coverage also pays when your dog bites someone (medical payments) or someone falls and injures themselves.

Add an umbrella policy to boost your liability coverage into the millions.

Homeowners Insurance for Older Homes

Theres another kind of homeowners insurance (HO-8) used when your home is so old it would be impossible to replace. It couldnt be built like the original -- that is, new electrical code wouldnt permit the same electrical, etc.

An HO-8 policy covers the same perils as the basic HO-1, but will only pay you the repair cost or market value instead of the replacement value.

If your home is old, but not so old that its historic, you might want another homeowners insurance coverage. A law and ordinance policy covers the cost of rebuilding using todays building codes. Its good to have if the building codes have changed a lot (for example, in Florida) since your home was built.

Dona DeZube has been writing about real estate for more than two decades. She lives in a suburban Baltimore Midcentury modest home on a 3-acre lot shared with possums, raccoons, foxes, a herd of deer, and her blue-tick hound.

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Post Category: Homeowners Insurance

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