What to do if late issues with your Mortgage / Forbearance/ Trouble

The 2020-2021 period was a very painful time in terms of life casualties and economic trouble. I feel for those that lost somebody to the virus ,but I will be trying  to concentrate in the Economic aspect this time... As you may remember about 30-40% lost anywhere from 2 months to 18 months of income during those hard months and as a result many Homeowners have fallen behind in their payments.... Some Home owners were able to put a Forbearance plan, Repayment plan, or Loan modification and there was a temporary order put in place to avoid evictions..... 

Now moving forward as we started 2022, each Home Owner needs to study his/her situation and take an educated action and if you have not made payments, or are currently late, or are in danger to have your house taken back by the bank, the HOA association , the County Tax office or similar you need to be Pro-active and rather of losing your home you can sell it at a profit before your bank re-takes it from you. 

I know it is not the preferred way you would rather take ,but in all honesty unless you have a 2nd car that you can Sell, Money in a Savings Account/ 401k , a rich relative that will lend you the money....You will be well off if you contact a Realtor and put your home in the market. Once sold this will give you a nice cushion to cope with future problems & you can always rent a place in the future or talk with a relative to move with them!

The worse scenario is To Do Nothing and wait for the bank to show up one day and evict you from your home and this way you will be forced to give away ALL YOUR EQUITY YOU HAVE IN YOUR HOME !!!! 

Good Fortune is that this time will be different from the housing Crisis of 2006-2008 since back then Home Owners did not have EQUITY or VERY LITTLE EQUITY !!!!! Today Most Home Owners Probably Have Earned Equity!!!

Avoid by all Means Scammers that promise to fix what can not be fixed without money to pay the Mortgage company and avoid signing any papers that have Quitclaim verbage characteristics in which YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HOME TO SCAMMERS!!!!! Always consult your Lawyer before you sign any paper from any parties!

The right way to exit is for the Home owner to Sell the Home and Collect the Hard earned Equity that belongs to the Owner.

If you feel this is right thing to do and that you would like to collect your Equity you Earned minus the commission to sell your home.... Please call/text Realtor Eduardo Polack at (832)-403-0150 to start the home preparation for selling it. 

I service Houston & Metropolitan areas within 50 miles radius !!!

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Post Category: Foreclosures & Investments, Education, Property Taxes

Local Spring/Klein77073HoustonMontgomery

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