Consumer Profile

Veronica Mullenix

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Level Points Symbol
5 (Diamond) 1,600+
4 (Platinum) 900 - 1,599
3 (Gold) 500-899
2 (Silver) 200-499
1 (Bronze) 1-199

Recent Participation

If the buyer fails to deposit earnest money and it's been 22 days, is the contract void?

I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing this difficulty!
Everything you need for handling this situation is contained within the paragraphs of the contract you signed.
Assuming you have a copy of your contract, read the last sentence in paragraph more...Posted 10 years ago

Need a Residential structural engineer inspector...

You can check out Pillar To Post inspection company's they employ home inspectors who offer a wide variety of skills and services. Http://www.pillartopost.comPosted 10 years ago

In commercial real estate, what is a fee development?

There are two development management services agreements used in the industry today in which a "development fee" is charged/collected. "Under the standard development management services approach, the services provider is responsible for managing all more...Posted 10 years ago

Do I need an appraisal for a refinance?

Yes, your refinance will require an appraisal, and a survey of the property. The survey you have may be acceptable if no survey-able changes have been done to the property. Your lender can provide you with a list of the items needed for a refinance more...Posted 10 years ago

when is the status of a property updated after the execution of the contract?

MLS Rule 2.5 states status changes are to be made within 3 days.
MLS Rule 1.4 also designates a within 3 days period of time for price and status changes.
Members found in violation of the MLS Rules are subject to disciplinary action including more...Posted 10 years ago

What do you think is the best and worthy designation to help sellers and buyers.

Great question!!
I have found the GRI courses to be excellent for conveying practical and effective techniques and skills to Realtors. In addition to GRI, the CRS courses, especially Courses 201, 202 and 210, are the best in this business for any more...Posted 10 years ago

What is the difference between Realtor Application and Designated Realtor Application?

The Realtor Application refers to those holding a sales person license and those holding a brokers license who are seeking to be broker associates of a firm. The Designated Realtor is the broker owner of the firm or the supervising maneger of the sponsored more...Posted 10 years ago

Proerty locator,seeking real estate invester.Finders fee

You must have a real estate license to act as a property locator.
The TX Occupations Code, Title 7, Chapter 1101, "Sec. 1101.004. ACTING AS BROKER OR
SALESPERSON. A person acts as a broker or salesperson under this chapter if the person, with the more...Posted 10 years ago

If a realtor find you a Tennant in your rental property how much percentage does the realtor get? and how does this work

Brokerage fees are a matter of individual company policy. Every brokerage office should have a policy manual with a section that addresses what the brokerage fees are for that company. The expectation is that all the agents within the company will follow more...Posted 10 years ago

How can a marijuana grow operation affect the value of a property?

It is too early to tell. An April 2 2014 article in the Houston Chronicle addresses this topic somewhat, 10 years ago